
A Python web Todo List app built on Rethinkdb, Flask, RequireJS, Backbone, and Bootstrap.


A Python web Todo List app built on Rethinkdb, Flask, RequireJS, Backbone, and Boostrap.

Here's What's Up:

You start everything by running 'python run.py'

  • Backend
    • The database is rethinkdb
    • The Python framework is Flask
    • All page/file requires run through Flask.
    • Flask handles the API Backend.
  • Frontend
    • Twitter Bootstrap handles the web design.
    • Backbone.js gives structure to the web app (Control, Model, View).
    • Require.js handles all the javascript, which is broken up for development.
    • jQuery handles events and DOM changes.
    • Underscore.js is used by Backbone.
    • Text.js is used to load templates of each module.
  • Development
    • Twitter Bootstrap uses less to compile its CSS.
    • Require.js has a file r.js which is a RequireJS optimizer, but I haven't used it.

#Built On

  • Backbone.js -- Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events.
  • Flask -- A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions.
  • jQuery -- Fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
  • Rethinkdb -- An open-source distributed JSON document database with a pleasant and powerful query language.
  • RequireJS -- A file and module loader for JavaScript.
  • Text.js -- An AMD loader plugin for loading text resources.
  • Twitter Bootstrap -- Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
  • Underscore.js -- Is a utility-belt library for JavaScript.


  • AMD -- Asychronous Module Defintion

Getting Started:

sudo pip install virtualenv sudo yum install python-virtualenv virtualenv venv

. venv/bin/activate sudo pip install Flask

python run.py --setup python run.py