Munchies Metropolis

Welcome to Munchies Metropolis! This app is built on top of the Zomato API. To enable full functionality, location services are required to be enabled. The UI is mobile responsive and built with the CSS Grid system.

When the page loads, you are greeting with a welcome modal that gives the user the option to create an account, sign in, or proceed as a guest. Signing in enables the ability to favorite and un favorite restaurants for easy access to details. Favorites will appear in the sidebar area or directly under our logo on mobile. In order to see information about one of your saved restaurants click the "+" button or if you would like to remove it from your favorites press the "-" button.

To search, type a keyword into the text input. There are additional optional search filters to sort results by Rating, Price, or Distance from your current location. If the text input is left blank, a general search based on your coordinates is performed.

The API results are displayed in a grid of detail cards, each of which have a button to display additional details about the restaurant, and a star button to add the restaurant to the user's favorites. Additionally, inside the retaurant details modal, an embedded google map is placed so the user can more clearly see where the establishment is. All menu links will redirect you to the corresponding restaurant's Zomato page. The directions link will open up google maps in a new window or will open up the google maps app on mobile.

*Note that not all restaurants have added a menu to zomato.

This project includes the use of two API's from Zomato and Google. More information can be found about them at and respectively.

-Contributors To The Project-

( Michael Blydenburgh && Stan Mozolevskiy && Daniel Crump && Patrick Gould )
