
Python CSV Parser that infers dialect and converts to an array of arrays.

Primary LanguagePython


This grate repository will unbrielievably parse your CSV string and return a Python dictionary with headers and rows of data. You cheddar believe I put some gouda tests in here.

All cheesiness aside, the goal of this project is to allow the parsing of CSV files to stand alone as a separate service and remove the burden from the frontend code of Datasmith and later Wordsmith. This project will most likely expand to include other data formats.

Getting Started


Python 3.6+ is required. From repo root, run pip install -r requirements.txt


From repo root, run pytest From repo root, run pylint parsemesan tests


From repo root, run coverage run -m pytest && coverage html




  • {str}: source_type the type of data source (arrays, csv, unicode)
  • {*}: input_data CSV {bytes} or Python {list} or Python {str} (which is Unicode)
  • {dict}: Python object with following spec:
       "errors": [
       "result": {
           "headers": <list of {str}>
           "rows": <list of lists of {str}>


  • No inputs required.
  • {dict}: Python object with following spec:
       "formats": <list of {str}>

Types and Errors

  • byte_string: a raw Python bytes array. Does not apply to source_type='arrays'. EncodingError raised if not valid.
  • stream: a Python object that reads the data sequentially. FileTypeError raised if not valid.
  • data: a Python dictionary with keys headers and rows (see below). DataError raised if not valid.


Each pipeline combines a parser and at least one validator, as shown in the pipelines/ directory.


The input_data is a Python {list} of {lists} containing the rows of data.

  1. Parse or reorganize the object into data.
  2. Validate the data's rows and headers as proper tabular.

data is returned as described above.


The input_data is a Python {bytes} object containing an encoded CSV table.

  1. Detect input_data encoding using the chardet module.
  2. Validate the byte_string's encoding by calling the native .decode(encoding) function.
  3. Convert it to a stream with the native ioString module.
  4. Validate the stream's file type by eliminating other common possibilities of files (.html, .xml).
  5. Parse the stream into data using the native csv module.
  6. Validate the data's rows and headers as proper tabular.

data is returned as described above.


The input_data is a Python {str} object (which is Unicode in Python 3) containing an encoded CSV table.

  1. Convert the string to a stream with the native ioString module.
  2. Validate the stream's file type by eliminating other common possibilities of files (.html, .xml).
  3. Parse the stream into data using the native csv module.
  4. Validate the data's rows and headers as proper tabular.

data is returned as described above.