
TF boilerplate code to facilitate the classification of new datasets using new models.

Primary LanguagePython

Text Classification with CNNs

This code repository implements the neural network and one dataset from A Sensntivity Analysis (and Practitioners' Guide to) Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification, which are a one-layer CNN and the Twitter Polarity dataset respectively.


  • Python 3.5 or greater
  • Tensorflow 1.0 or greater
  • easydict

Getting Started

To run the polarity dataset, clone the repo onto your local machine, navigate into the repository, using the command line/terminal, and type python train-eval.py {argparser flags}. Replace {argparser flags} with the appropriate choice of options as described in the section below.


The following commandline options are available for running the model:

  • -n, run_num, default = 0, saves all model files under /save_directory/model_directory/Model[n]
  • -r, restore, default = 0, binary value indicating whether to restore from a model.
  • -m, model_restore, default = 1, restores from /save_directory/model_directory/Model[n]
  • -f, file_epoch, default = 1, restores model with the following checkpoint: part_[f].ckpt.meta
  • -t, train, default=1, # Binary to train model. 0 = No train.
  • -v, eval, default=1) # Binary to evalulate model. 0 = No eval.
  • -g, gpu, default = 0, accepts a single integer or a string "all" to use all available.

Yaml File

Some parameters cannot be adjusted at the commandline; all others are defined in the lib/config.py file and can be edited with a Yaml file found in the cfgs/ folder. Refer to the OneLayerConv.yml file for an example of adjusting the number of training epochs.

Adding New Networks and Datasets

New Networks

You can edit the network method of the OneLayerConv class in the lib/networks.py file to change the neural network. The paper recommends 1-max pooling over other types of pooling but suggests that deeper networks will yield superior results. You can also add a .yaml file under the cfgs/ folder if you would like to edit the parameters defined in the lib/config.py file.

New Datasets

You will have to add a new class in the lib/datasets.py file similar to the TwitterSentiment class currently implemented. The codebase expects only certain methods (batch_iter, transform_x, transform_y) to be implemented in the dataset class, but other methods will be necessary (i.e. load_data).