make sure you have python 2.7, virtualenv and AWS CLI installed and configured
to configure aws run 'aws configure'
AWS Access Key ID [None]: [your Key]
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: [your Key]
Default region name [None]: eu-west-2
Default output format [None]: json
copy 'config_sample' file to 'config' and complete the missing information
run make init-test-local
- this will create your local testenv folder and install the required packages
run make get-testdata
- this will download the data from the configured test data bucket
run make test-local
- this will run your local test configuration
- create the package for AWS lambda
Most reliable way to install is using deploy-s3-create or deploy-s3-update
- uploads your package to s3
- this will create a lambda function and use the dist package you uploaded to s3
- Remember to set any triggers manually if needed.
- this will update an existing lambda function and use the dist package you uploaded to s3
- this will create a lambda function and directly upload the dist package created by build
- Remember to set any triggers manually if needed.
- this will update an existing lambda function and directly upload the dist package created by build
delete-function : check-aws
- delete your function from s3
- invoke the s3 function you created