Baseball Databank Database Load

This is an example repo that demonstrates the creation and loading of a PostgreSQL database.

It uses data provided by the Baseball Databank (sometime referred to as the Lahman Database) that is located here. Baseball Databank is a compilation of historical baseball data in a convenient, tidy format, distributed under Open Data terms.

The data has been downloaded from the site above and extracted into the folders described below. It has been broken down by year so that we can maintained each year when a season completes. So, for example, the 2022 database includes all years including the 2022 season ending stats. Once the next season is completed, a new schema will be generated and it will include all seasons including the newly generated season.

This is just an example of how to load data into a PostgreSQL database. The baseball data contained here is freely open source for use and had no relevance to John Deere. It is provided as an example and learning expereince to get familiar with the PostgreSQL engine and capabilities.

Organization of the files

Each year is broken down into a separate folder so we can segment season into it's own schema. So, as each season is completed, a new schema will be created (year20XX) to store the data for that year. This was done in the event the schema changes from one year to the next and we still have the data for the previous year in the schema that was valid for that year.

These are the folders provided by the Baseball Databank for that year.

These files are create by getting the zip file in CSV format from here. Then unzip the file and it will create these folders:

  • core/ contains the databank itself.
  • contrib/ contains files which are manually maintained by others using the same identifier system as the core.
  • upstream/ contains files used to construct the databank.

These are the database schema and data load scripts needed for that year.

  • baseball_schema.ddl contains the database schema needed to create the tables for the year being created.
  • load_data.sql contains the data needed to load the schema for that year.
  • drop_schema.sql contains the script to drop all the tables in a particular schema

Loading the Database (Windows)

Read the PostgreSQL installation notes located here.

Check the Version

C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\pg_ctl --version

Create New Database Cluster


C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\initdb -D c:\dev\db-data\postgresql\16 -U postgres

Start/Stop Cluster

C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\pg_ctl -D c:\dev\db-data\postgresql\16 -l logfile start
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\pg_ctl -D c:\dev\db-data\postgresql\16 -l logfile stop

Loading Baseball Reference Database

-- This will prompt for a password. I just used password
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\createuser --no-createdb --no-superuser --no-createrole --pwprompt mlbapi

-- Create the database
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\createdb lahman

-- Create the table structure for the specific year. This will also create the schema (owner).
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\psql -d lahman -f "c:\dev\baseball\database\lahman\2022\create_schema.ddl"
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\psql -d lahman -f "c:\dev\baseball\database\lahman\2023\create_schema.ddl"

-- Create any required views.
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\psql -d lahman -f "c:\dev\baseball\database\lahman\2022\create_views.ddl"
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\psql -d lahman -f "c:\dev\baseball\database\lahman\2023\create_views.ddl"

-- Grant privledges to the mlbapi user
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\psql -d lahman -f "c:\dev\baseball\database\lahman\2022\grant_privledges.ddl"
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\psql -d lahman -f "c:\dev\baseball\database\lahman\2023\grant_privledges.ddl"

-- Need to use a username that has the privs to run the load scripts
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\psql -U mlbapi -d lahman -f "c:\dev\baseball\database\lahman\2022\load_data_win.sql"
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\psql -U mlbapi -d lahman -f "c:\dev\baseball\database\lahman\2023\load_data_win.sql"

-- Drop the schema if you need to start over
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\psql -U mlbapi -d lahman -f "c:\dev\baseball\database\lahman\2022\drop_schema.ddl"
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\psql -U mlbapi -d lahman -f "c:\dev\baseball\database\lahman\2023\drop_schema.ddl"

-- Use this to drop the database and the user to start over. This will delete ALL schemas.
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\dropdb lahman
C:\PostgreSQL\16\bin\dropuser mlbapi

Loading Baseball Reference Database (Mac/OS)

Check the Version

pg_ctl --version

Create New Database Cluster


My username on my mac is dandaluga. I assume the postgresql installation creates a superuser based on the user that creates the cluster.

You can create multiple clusters on the server. In that case, you will need to update the postgresql.conf to handle the ports to use for each cluster along with any other configuration to handle running multiple clusters concurrently.

initdb -D ~/Development/db/cluster1 -U dandaluga

Start/Stop Cluster

pg_ctl -D /Users/dandaluga/Development/db/cluster1 -l logfile start
pg_ctl -D /Users/dandaluga/Development/db/cluster1 -l logfile stop

Loading Baseball Reference Database

-- Create a user. This will prompt for a password. I just used password.
createuser --no-createdb --no-superuser --no-createrole --pwprompt mlbapi

-- Create the database
createdb lahman

-- Create the table structure for the specific year. This will also create the schema (owner).
psql -d lahman -f ~/Development/baseball-database/lahman/2022/create_schema.ddl
psql -d lahman -f ~/Development/baseball-database/lahman/2023/create_schema.ddl

-- Create any required views.
psql -d lahman -f ~/Development/baseball-database/lahman/2022/create_views.ddl
psql -d lahman -f ~/Development/baseball-database/lahman/2023/create_views.ddl

-- Grant privledges to the mlbapi user
psql -d lahman -f ~/Development/baseball-database/lahman/2022/grant_privledges.ddl
psql -d lahman -f ~/Development/baseball-database/lahman/2023/grant_privledges.ddl

-- Need to use a username that has the privs to run the load scripts
psql -U mlbapi -d lahman -f ~/Development/baseball-database/lahman/2022/load_data_mac.sql
psql -U mlbapi -d lahman -f ~/Development/baseball-database/lahman/2023/load_data_mac.sql

-- Drop the schema if you need to start over
psql -U mlbapi -d lahman -f ~/Development/baseball-database/lahman/2022/drop_schema.ddl
psql -U mlbapi -d lahman -f ~/Development/baseball-database/lahman/2023/drop_schema.ddl

-- Use this to drop the database and the user to start over. This will delete ALL schemas.
dropdb lahman
dropuser mlbapi