
3D rendering of Union Station in Denver, Co on a MapboxGL map. Rendered using Three.js with ThreeBox for camera sync.

Primary LanguageVue

Union Station 3d

3d rendering of Union Station in Denver Colorado rendered with synced interaction on a MapboxGL map. Model loaded from .gltf and rendered using Three.js with Threebox for camera alignment. Built with Vue.js.

For live version visit: http://unionstation3d.surge.sh/

To Use This Repo

  1. From the command line, clone down this repo git clone [this url]
  2. Install the dependencies: cd union-station-3d && npm install
  3. Get an API key from Mapbox and save it in a file called key.js in the src directory as:
export const MB_TOKEN = 'that.string.you.got.from.mapbox'
  1. Run npm start to start the development server
  2. Have fun!