LoRa On Actility

This guide aims to give a general view of how to setup devices and callbacks to work with Actility network. The good thing about actility is they send gateways with pre-configurations to ensure connection stability between gateways and their core network.

Thing Park Dashboard

Is a dashboard where access to all configuration and documentation of Actility network is available.

Device manager

Uplink callback

Before register a device on their network, we need to setup a route (callback) by registering AS routing profiles and Application servers.

  1. Choose Application servers and click Create
  2. Fill Name, choose HTTP Application Server (LoRaWAN) for Type and click Create:
    • Choose JSON for Content Type.
    • Set Active for Status.
    • Click Add from Add a route and choose Blast (to send to all Destinations) or Sequential (to send one by one).
    • From Destination click Add to add a route to your server and dont forget to click Save to save the setting. [Application server]
  3. Choose AS routing profiles and click on Create button.
  4. Fill Name, choose LoRaWAN for Type and click Create:
    • Click Add from Destinations to add a new destination. Choose Local application server for Type and your new destination created by your from the previous step. Click Add then Save to finish this step. [Create AS routing profile]

Here we finished to set up an UL callback to our servers. We can add more callbacks in the Application servers if we'd like to.

Device registration

  1. Click on Devices and Create
  2. Fill in information:
    • Device name: Your device name
    • Manufacturer: Choose your board manaufacturer. If you don't know you can choose Generic and specify LoRaWan version, RX2, Zone and class setting.
    • Fill in your device information depending on Device activiation.
    • DevAddr: We let server decide so choose Allocated by the network server
    • Application server routing profile: Choose the profile we've just created in previous steps.
  3. Click Create to register this device.
  4. Notice that you can modify this device by clicking on the Marker icon.
  5. Turn on your device and test. (Use Wireless Logger from the dashboard).

Downlink callback

  • In order to ask for a DL on Actility, we need to register a token for Authentication. Either we can create one from a shortcut of DX API Console or from the API. However, the token created from this shortcut will be expired in 1 week as default.
  • We are able to create token in ThingPark DX Admin API so navigate to this page to create one. Click on Token gernation [Create a token]
    • grant_type: client_credentials
    • client_id, client_secret: username & password
    • renewToken: true
    • validityPeriod: infinite (or other options)
  • Click Try it out
  • You will get response containing a token to use for APIs on Actility.
  • Please take a look here to know how to use the token.
  • To learn the format of message to trigger a downlink. Please take a look here


  • Example of a response from Token generation:
    Token generation
    curl -X POST
    -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    -H 'Accept: application/json'
    -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=dev1-api%2Fjohn%40actility.com&client_secret=1234' 
      "expires_in" : 92762,
      "client_id" : "dev1-api/john@actility.com",
      "token_type" : "bearer",
      "access_token" : "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiI...KyNftyxc18K9a7y32d1w",
      "scope" : "[SUBSCRIBER:983]",
      "jti" : "32d6a066-2fd1-4564-8915-42e810d464c1"
  • Format of DL message:
      "payloadHex": "00010100180e0038",
      "targetPorts": "1"
  • Format of UL message
    Post Parameters
    Parameter	Values
    LrnDevEui	0004A30B002130E5
    LrnFPort	1
    LrnInfos	TWA_100115594.5807.AS-1-716634
      "DevEUI_uplink": {
        "Time": "2018-10-19T15:40:24.807+02:00",
        "DevEUI": "0004A30B002130E5",
        "FPort": 1,
        "FCntUp": 6,
        "ADRbit": 1,
        "MType": 2,
        "FCntDn": 2,
        "payload_hex": "101a0162",
        "mic_hex": "8c444cbd",
        "Lrcid": "00000127",
        "LrrRSSI": -71,
        "LrrSNR": 8.5,
        "SpFact": 7,
        "SubBand": "G0",
        "Channel": "LC7",
        "DevLrrCnt": 1,
        "Lrrid": "C0001308",
        "Late": 0,
        "LrrLAT": 0,
        "LrrLON": 0,
        "Lrrs": {
          "Lrr": [
              "Lrrid": "C0001308",
              "Chain": 0,
              "LrrRSSI": -71,
              "LrrSNR": 8.5,
              "LrrESP": -71.573822
        "CustomerID": "100115594",
        "CustomerData": {
          "alr": {
            "pro": "LORA/Generic",
            "ver": "1"
        "ModelCfg": "0",
        "InstantPER": 0,
        "MeanPER": 0,
        "DevAddr": "05AFF5CF",
        "AckRequested": 0,
        "rawMacCommands": "",
        "TxPower": 2,
        "NbTrans": 1