This guide is built in order to help people have less headache in configuration for logstash, elastic search, and kibana. couchdb -> logstash -> elasticsearch -> kibana

Table of contents


I'm not going to focus on how to install Logstash, Elasticsearch, Kibana as well as couchdb. Logstash is used to get data from couchdb continuously. The data then is sent to ElasticSearch and viewed on Kibana.

The fatal thing is how to get data correctly from couchdb using Logstash.

All services include: * An instance running couchdb (AWS) * A new instance to install ELK (bitnami is used) * Tera Term/putty and WinSCP

You must be familiar with Linux commands to follow the guide


  • Login to your bitnami account at

  • Create a new server:

    • Launch Regular Server
    • Put Name and Domain Name if they're neccessary
    • Choose ELK image in Select Application
    • Decide OS version and server configuration as you wish
    • Click Build and Launch and wait for a couple of minutes for the server to be created
  • Server access

    • Click on your server and choose Manage Server
    • Put IP Address on your terminal tool to login in
    • WinSCP is convenient for file modification/copy/paste.

    Success login

Logstash Configuration

  • Check all services running on the server by using the command:

    • get sudo permission sudo su
    • /opt/bitnami/ status -> Get all services status. It can be replaced by stop/start
  • It's neccessary to stop Logstash service before configuring anything.

    • Do /opt/bitnami/ stop logstash
    • Recheck again with status command /opt/bitnami/ status logstash
  • All logs files will be stored in /opt/bitnami/logstash/logs/

    • logstash.log stores operation for logstash service (Reset everytime a logstash service starts)
    • logstash-plain.log stores everything relating to logstash.
    • You have to make sure that when you run logstash. There is no error while running the service.
  • Use chmod 777 to set permission for all files/directories in logstash folder

  • Create a new folder to store couchdb seq

	mkdir /home/logstash/
	chmod 777 /home/logstash/
  • Install couchdb_changes
/opt/bitnami/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-input-couchdb_changes

  • Modify the configuration for logstash service by opening file `/opt/bitnami/logstash/config/logstash.yml'
# path.config: "/opt/bitnami/logstash/conf/"

# config.test_and_exit: true

# config.reload.automatic: true

  • Open file /opt/bitnami/logstash/conf/logstash.conf. As default. Logstash gets all records in couchdb so we need to serperate the doc is deleted or index. You can read more congifuration for logstash
input { 
	couchdb_changes {
		db => "your_db_name"
		host => "your_db_ip_address"
		port => 5984
		username => "db_username"
		password => "db_password"
		keep_id => true
   		keep_revision => true
		initial_sequence => 0

filter {
  if [@metadata][action] == "delete" {
      mutate {
        add_field => { "elastic_action" => "delete" }
    } else {
      mutate {
        add_field => { "elastic_action" => "index" }

output {
 	elasticsearch {
		hosts => "localhost:9200"
		index => "your_index"
  		document_id => "%{[@metadata][_id]}"
   		action => "%{elastic_action}"

  • This configuration helps to get all documents without modifying anything from your couchdb

  • Create your index with elasticsearch:

    • curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/your_index?pretty' : Create.
    • curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v' : Show indexes
    • curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/your_index: Delete your_index
  • Modify limit number for indexes in Elasticsearch from 1000 to 100000

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/your_index/_settings' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"index" : {
"mapping" : {
"total_fields" : {
"limit" : "100000"
  • Double check the ElasticSearch setting again: curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/your_index/_settings?pretty'

  • Start logstash service by using /opt/bitnami/ start logstash. Remember to check log files and status again to ensure everything is working OK.

  • If you're doing it correctly. You will see docs.count increasing time by time by using the command curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'

  • You'd see your index in Management in Kibana. Create indexes from it to finish and then you're able to search what you need


  • How to get rid of Can't run logstash service because another instance is running ...?

    • 1st solution: Try to stop logstash service and check status.
    • 2nd solution: Delete the configure file. Create a new one and run it.
    • 3rd solution: Delete the configuration file. Stop/Start instance (server) again. This should solve the issue
  • Is my data from couchdb transferred continously to logstash, and how long?

    • Yes: You can configure those parameters in logstash.yml


This guide is a simple one to help you understand the big picture and quickly connect those services. You may need to take a look at logstash structure and configuration on their website for deep configuration and versatile setting.

Success index import


Add a new field communication_error as boolean values if the value exists

filter {
  if [@metadata][action] == "delete" {
      mutate {
        add_field => { "elastic_action" => "delete" }
    } else {
      mutate {
        add_field => { "elastic_action" => "index" }
	if [doc][error_communication_error][0][SensorName]{
		mutate {
			add_field => { "communication_error" => true}
	} else {
		mutate {
			add_field => { "communication_error" => false}

	mutate {
		convert => { "communication_error" => "boolean"}