
An emacs package for searching and quickly narrowing down results.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

An emacs interface for quickly narrowing down search results

This package provides a single interface for searching for patterns and file names in the current project (git repository). The following key bindings are available in the results buffer:

RET Go to search hit
/ Retain results matching a pattern
C-u / Discard results matching a pattern

This package depends on https://github.com/dandavison/emacs-filter-results for the filter/exclude mode buffer. You must require that package before requireing this package.

search-files-thing-at-point Search for occurrences of the current word
search-files-read-from-minibuffer Enter a regex and search for occurrences of it
search-files-by-name Enter a regex and search for file names matching it

With a prefix argument (C-u), search for definitions of the word instead of all occurrences (e.g. def <word> / class <word> in a python buffer, etc).