
🃏 Web app for playing rummikub and other tile games

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Open source web app for playing rummikub and other tile/card games


Getting started


The game server is a Node app serving WebSocket connections, files are in /server.

To run, cd server then:

  1. npm install to install dependencies
  2. npm start to start the server
  3. npm build to rebuild the server files from source (Typescript) if you change them (must restart server).

Web Client

The web client is a React app, files are in /web-client.

To run, cd client then:

  1. npm install to install dependencies
  2. npm start to start the web client dev server. Will automatically rebuild if files in web-client are changed so you don't need to restart.
  3. npm build to create a production build if necessary.

Shared files

Typescript files shared between the client and server are in /shared. If you are just running the game server/client and not changing anything, you can ignore this part. If you are changing any files in /shared, you need to first cd shared and then:

  1. npm install to install dependencies
  2. npm watch to start the file watcher, which will automatically rebuild if any .ts files in /shared change
  3. npm build to create a production build if necessary