
This is the game engine based on OGRE3D developed for the game "Hearts Of Oak, Conquest of the Seas" developed by the "PiratesAhoy!" community.

Primary LanguageC++Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

README for the Hearts Of Oak, Conquest of the Seas OGRE3D-Based engine (development version)

This is the game engine based on OGRE3D developed for the game "Hearts Of Oak, Conquest of the Seas" developed by the "PiratesAhoy!" community.

Thanks for reading, btw ;-)

Please read this step-by-step. The full install/compile procedure requires a couple of hours, depending on your system and internet connection. The manual steps are limited, but the building time can be quite long. So think about executing the install script before going to bed, maybe...

The sources and binaries will need approx 3Gb of Hard drive space (if you install both Debug and Release versions).

1.1.1 please ensure that the following packages are installed on your machine :

  • git
  • mercurial
  • subversion
  • make
  • cmake v>=2.8.12 (you may need to download it and compile it)
  • gcc
  • g++
  • cpp
  • xaw3dg-dev (X11 athena widget)
  • libxaw7-dev
  • libboost-dev
  • libgl1-mesa-glx
  • libgl1-mesa-swx11
  • libglu1-mesa
  • libxrandr-dev
  • nvidida-cg-toolkit (needed even if no nvidia card, don't worry)

1.1.2 Build the engine

Open a terminal and go to the root folder of HeartsOfOakEngine and type:

  • $ cmake .


  • $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<your-custom-install-dir> .

depending if you want to provide a custom install dir (which is highly suggested by the way).

then build the dependencies by typing

  • $ make

and now to build the engine, redo the same:

  • $ cmake .
  • $ make

The following procedure applies if you want tu use the MinGW compiler. If you want to use MS compilers, the procedure should be easier, but I let you adapt the following to you needs. ;)

1.2.1 INSTALL MINGW compiler and its SHELL

  • after that, enter in the mingw shell (a command line) and install WGET and SSH by typing:

~$ mingw-get install msys-wget msys-openssh - download UNRAR command line utility, install it (double-click) and copy the executable UnRAR.exe to MINGW/bin/unrar.exe (rename it to lower-case!!) - add both MINGW/bin and MINGW/msys/1.0/bin folders to system PATH environment variable (replace MINGW with your local MinGW install folder)

1.2.2 Download and install GIT

  • install GIT with default install configuration

(well, if you are reading this, you should already have it installed, but anyway...)

1.2.3 Install Tortoise MERCURIAL or MERCURIAL alone

  • again, add the mercurial install directory to the PATH environment variable

1.2.4 Install Tortoise SVN or SUBVERSION alone

  • add the install directory to PATH environment variable

1.2.5 Install CMAKE

  • add it too to the PATH environment variable

1.2.6 Install Direct X SDK

this is required to be able to compile everything (more or less). If you get an "error code S1023":

  • uninstall MSVS C++ redistributable that is already installed on your machine
  • install DirectX SDK
  • re-install MSVS C++ redistributable using the last version available


  • open MingGW shell
  • change directory to the HeartsOfOak engine directory (using ~$ cd /c/path/to/HeartsOfOak/engine)
  • try:
  1. $ git
  2. $ svn
  3. $ hg
  4. $ gcc
  5. $ g++
  6. $ wget
  7. $ cmake

all the above commands MUST give a message that is DIFFERENT from "no such file of directory", this means that they are correctly installed. If you get a "no such file of directory" error, try adding the corresponding software to the PATH environment variable or to re-install the component.

1.2.8 Install and compile the engine

Open a terminal and go to the root folder of HeartsOfOakEngine and type:

  • $ cmake .


  • $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<your-custom-install-dir> .

depending if you want to provide a custom install dir (which is highly suggested by the way).

then build the dependencies by typing

  • $ make

and now to build the engine, redo the same:

  • $ cmake .
  • $ make

Well, this has still to be done ;)






