
Typescript decorators for mongoose

Primary LanguageTypeScript

typeodm.io GitHub license code style: prettier Build Status codecov

Improve typescript experience using mongoose with decorators.


  • typescript first class support.
  • Build your entire documents with decorators.
  • Fully tested (unit and integration test for every line of code).
  • Easy to use.
  • Nothing new to learn (It's just mongoose in a decorator way)


npm install typeodm.io --save



npm install metadata mongoose @types/mongoose --save

Remember enable decorators in tsconfig.json

"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true

Getting Started

defining simple 'User' document and export model

/* user.document.ts */
export class User {
  @required() username: string;
  @required() password: string;
  @optional() rol: string;

export const UserModel = new getModel<User>(User);

using UserModel

/* Somewhere in your code, basic CRUD operations */

// Get List

// Get one
UserModel.findOne({ username: 'charlie' });

// Save
const user = new UserModel({ username: 'charlie', password: 'asd!@#$' });

// Update
UserModel.findByIdAndUpdate(id, { username: 'charlie 2' });

// Remove

You can find more useful functions for 'UserModel' here


Schema Types:

All Schema Types
  • @objectId
  • @required
  • @optional
  • @defaultValue (alias for default)
  • @validate
  • @alias
  • @unique
  • @index
  • @spare
  • @lowercase
  • @uppercase
  • @trim
  • @match
  • @isIn (alias for enum)
  • @length (includes minlength and maxlength ex. @length(3, 50))
  • @range (includes min and max)
  • @range (includes min and max)


  • @methods
  • @virtuals
  • @query (Not have type support yet, but works fine)
  • @statics (Not have type support yet, but works fine)

Use case Post-Comment

A comment only exists and belong to one post, therefore it must be saved as a subdocument, hasn't sense to create a collection to store comments. Example:

export class Comment {
  // define 'message' property required and set rule minlength(2)
  message: string;

  // define 'author' property optional
  author: string;

  // define 'status' propery to be 'pending' or 'approved'
  @isIn(['pending', 'approved'])
  status: string;
export class Post {
  // define 'title' as a required property
  title: string;

  // define 'content' as property, and set minlength(5) and maxlength(2000) values
  @length(5, 2000)
  content: string;

  // define 'rating' property, with range [1-5]
  @range(1, 5)
  rating: number;

  // define 'comments' property to be a subdocument array of Comment
  comments: Comment[];

Use case User-Todo

In almost all applications the resource are store by user, in this case we'll see how to create documents 'User' and 'Todo' where each 'Todo' belong to a user.

export class User {
  @required() username: string;
  @required() password: string;
export class Todo {
  title: string;

  isComplete: boolean;

  user: Ref<User>;

export const TodoModel = getModel<Todo>(Todo);

Getting a Todo list with the user data populated. Using populate query to property 'Todo.user' and projection username to return only User._id and User.username

const todos = await TodoModel.find().populate('user', 'username');

Now will see how to save a Todo

// getting user by creating a new one
const userToSave = new UserModel({ username: 'charlie', password: 'asd!@#$' });
const user = await userToSave.save();

// getting user by data base query
const user = await UserModel.find({ username: 'charlie' });

// getting user from request after jwt put it there
const user = req.user;

// after getting the `user._id` no matter what source you can save a `Todo` for this user in the following way:
const todoToSave = new TodoModel({ title: 'Go to market for some oranges' });
todoToSave.user = user._id;
const todo = await todoToSave.save();

// in some case you don't now if user._id if an instance of ObjectId, to be sure do:
const userId = new ObjectId(user._id);



You must annotate a class with @document in order to use is as mongoose schema and to can extract a model from it.

@document(config: SchemaOptions) you can pass a SchemaOptions object as parameter.


  • find a way to set correct types for @query and @statics
  • add @plugin decorator
  • improve api doc
  • improve use-case examples