SBE Rust Sample Application

This sample application is designed to decode exchangeInfo endpoint's response to YAML, when using Binance Spot API Simple Binary Encoding (SBE). It decodes the payload from STDIN and prints it as YAML to STDOUT.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the source code:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the directory where the Cargo.toml file is located and build sbe-sample-app with the following command:
cargo build

Note: This sample application was built and tested with the Rust toolchain specified in the rust-toolchain.toml file.


The following commands fetch the exchangeInfo SBE response, which the sbe-sample-app then decodes and outputs as YAML to STDOUT.

Pipe REST exchangeInfo SBE response into sbe-sample-app

curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/sbe' -H 'X-MBX-SBE: 1:0' \
    '' \
    | ./target/debug/sbe-sample-app

Pipe WebSocket exchangeInfo SBE response into sbe-sample-app

echo '{"id":"93fb61ef-89f8-4d6e-b022-4f035a3fadad","method":"exchangeInfo","params":{"symbol":"BTCUSDT"}}' \
    | ./tools/  'wss://' \
    | ./target/debug/sbe-sample-app

Note: To run, your Python 3 environment should include the websocket-client package with the integrated create_connection function.

  • There are additional decoder classes in the spot_sbe folder that can be useful for decoding SBE responses from other endpoints in the Binance Spot API.


To use the Spot Testnet API, you only need to replace:

  • with for the REST API
  • with for the WebSocket API


Rust decoders

The spot_sbe directory contains code generated by simple-binary-encoding, which you will likely want to reuse verbatim. However, if you would like to update it, please navigate to the root of this project and follow these steps:

  1. Download the schema file (spot_latest.xml):
curl -o spot_latest.xml$(curl -s
  1. Clone & build simple-binary-encoding:
git clone --branch 1.30.0
cd simple-binary-encoding
cd ..
  1. Run the SbeTool code generator built in the previous step:
java \
    -Dsbe.output.dir=. \ \
    -jar simple-binary-encoding/sbe-all/build/libs/sbe-all-1.30.0.jar \
  1. Format the generated code:
cargo fmt -p spot_sbe
  1. Add the following to the top of spot_sbe/src/
  1. Fix clippy warnings:
cargo clippy --fix -p spot_sbe --allow-dirty -- -D clippy::all