
🌅 An app that tells you how the daylight is changing

Primary LanguageSwift

About Solstice and its maker

My name is Daniel Eden, and I’m a designer who builds apps. Solstice is a project close to my heart. When I was working in my first job in Manchester, England, I spent most of my day in an office that had no external windows. During the winter, this meant I didn’t see sunlight during the work week—I’d go into the office before the sun rose, and I wouldn’t leave until after it had set.

This experience underscored the effect that sunlight has on my mood and mental well-being. When, during the winter of 2020/2021, COVID-19 made an already-dreary season even drearier, I decided to build an app that would help me quantify the change in daylight, and give me something to look forward to.

Solstice is chiefly a tool for mental health. Since it is a form of healthcare, and since all healthcare should be free, this app is open source and will always be free to download and use, but if you want to leave a tip via an In-App Purchase, that would brighten my day.

I hope Solstice brings utility and comfort to everyone who uses it. If it does, or if you have feedback on how it could be improved, please consider leaving a review. Thank you.