
A mini game using Zig, WASM and JS

Primary LanguageZig


Play the game at: https://daneelsan.github.io/Dodgeballz/

DodgeBalls implemented in zig (compiled to wasm-freestanding).

This mini game shows how Zig, WASM, Javascript and HTML5 canvas can interact.

In particular, there are lots of back and forth between imported and exported wasm functions. Among those imported functions are functions that draw things on a canvas, e.g. arc or strokeRect.



Tested in version:

$ zig version

To build the wasm module, run:

$ zig build

$ ls zig-out/lib/


Start up the server in this repository's directory:

python3 -m http.server

Go to your favorite browser and type to the URL localhost:8000. You should see the checkboard changing colors.


  • Find a better way to debug from the wasm module. I used a lot of console.log to debug, but given that we can only pass a limited set of types between JS and WASM (e.g. i32 or f32), this was tedious. Perhaps there is a way to write a zig Writer that writes into the console.

  • Of course, there are many improvements to the game. The score could be made to depend on the size of the enemy, the number of enemies could increase depending on the score achieved, etc.
