
Insert file path on the current buffer using Telescope.nvim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Set of telescope.nvim actions to insert file path on the current buffer.

Supported Path Types

  • Absolute path
  • Relative path (to current working directory)
  • Relative path (to buffer file)

Supported Insert Locations

  • i: before cursor
  • a: after cursor
  • I: beginning of the line
  • A: end of the line
  • o: new line after
  • O: new line before

Supported Vim Modes after Insertion

You can configure it to be in these three modes after insertion:

  • Insert
  • Normal
  • Visual mode with the path selected

Supported Telescope Modes

  • Multiple selections
  • Any modes (Find files, Live grep, ...)


Install using vim-plug:

Plug 'kiyoon/telescope-insert-path.nvim'

Install using packer:

use {'kiyoon/telescope-insert-path.nvim'}

Setup telescope with path actions in vimscript / lua:

local path_actions = require('telescope_insert_path')

require('telescope').setup {
  defaults = {
    mappings = {
      n = {
        -- E.g. Type `[i`, `[I`, `[a`, `[A`, `[o`, `[O` to insert relative path and select the path in visual mode.
        -- Other mappings work the same way with a different prefix.
        ["["] = path_actions.insert_reltobufpath_visual,
        ["]"] = path_actions.insert_abspath_visual,
        ["{"] = path_actions.insert_reltobufpath_insert,
        ["}"] = path_actions.insert_abspath_insert,
        ["-"] = path_actions.insert_reltobufpath_normal,
        ["="] = path_actions.insert_abspath_normal,
	-- If you want to get relative path that is relative to the cwd, use
	-- `relpath` instead of `reltobufpath`
        -- You can skip the location postfix if you specify that in the function name.
        -- ["<C-o>"] = path_actions.insert_relpath_o_visual,