
Common configuration files for Ubuntu

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


On Mac:

sudo softwareupdate -i -a
xcode-select --install

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt install make

Clone into $HOME/opt/dotfiles, then make. Some errors from brew about shallow clones are normal, these will be fixed after homebrew/core is tapped and made unshallow... I think.

GPG and SSH keys

Download keys and install in ~/.ssh and via gpg --import <private-key.asc>.


Emacs 27 is required to use XDG_CONFIG_HOME. Brew installs this automatically on Mac, but you need a custom apt repo on Ubuntu.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kelleyk/emacs
sudo apt install emacs27-nox

Note that if ~/.emacs.d already exists, Emacs may not use XDG_CONFIG_HOME.

Emacs requires the following packages, which can be installed using the new built-in package manager (M-x package-install):

  • auto-complete
  • feature-mode
  • json-mode
  • markdown-mode
  • php-mode
  • xclip
  • yaml-mode

Don’t forget that the package manager needs to be refreshed periodically (i.e. if a package cannot be found.)

For Bash Git prompt, use drush init.
