
Comparing iCloud and GooglePhots Downloads, to hopefully consiladte them both, with no loss and no duplicates

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Compare Photos in Google Photos and iCloud

All old iCloud photos were imported into Google Photos.


  • In the end I simply downloaded all iCloud photos, and imported them into GooglePhotos (not original resolution)
  • iCloud Originals were imported into /archive/media/photo/mom/iCloudPhotos-2019-08-24

Comparing iCloud and GooglePhots Downloads, to hopefully consiladte them both, with no loss and no duplicates


2019-08-24 Fetched all iCloud Photos again

...iCloudPhotos-Mom-2019-08-24$ sha1sum * | sort > ../iCloudPhotos-Mom-2019-08-24.sorted.sha1sums
...iCloudPhotos-Mom-2019-08-24$ sha1sum * > ../iCloudPhotos-Mom-2019-08-24.unsorted.sha1sums

...iCloudPhotos-Mom-2019-03-10$ sha1sum * | sort > ../iCloudPhotos-Mom-2019-03-10.sorted.sha1sums
...iCloudPhotos-Mom-2019-03-10$ sha1sum * > ../iCloudPhotos-Mom-2019-03-10.unsorted.sha1sums


  • Almost all files are different!
{ path: 'gPhoto.json', sz: { count: 1153, size: '1862.21MB' } }
{ path: 'iCloud.json', sz: { count: 1058, size: '2842.23MB' } }
// inverted by hash
{ invertedA: 1153, invertedB: 1056, union: 2202 }
// inverted by stamp
{ invertedA: 938, invertedB: 880, union: 938 }

example: JPEG Quality 92 n iCloud, 68 on GooglePhotos, with filsize 1611250 -> 610205

ls -l ./gPhoto/2019/IMG_1256.JPG ./iCloud/IMG_1256.JPG
jhead ./gPhoto/2019/IMG_1256.JPG ./iCloud/IMG_1256.JPG


  1. first hash, produces gPhoto.json and iCloud.json
  2. second compare
time node js/hash gPhoto
time node js/hash iCloud
time node js/compare gPhoto.json iCloud.json

Previous bash start



# pk-put init -gpgkey XYXXYXYXYYX # just once
pk-put file --permanode --title='Mom-gPhoto' --tag=mom ./gPhoto
pk-put file --permanode --title='Mom-iCloud' --tag=mom ./iCloud