
Command line calculator for number theory operations (primes, factorization, multiplicative functions, etc.)

Primary LanguageC#


Simple command line interface for various number theory operations, such as prime factorization and Euler phi function. Includes a Utils library for functionality and relevant unit tests.

Created using .NET and C#. Inspired by what I learned in MATH 312: Introduction to Number Theory and the online tools I used for that class.



  • Sieve: returns prime numbers up to given number.
  • Factorization: returns the prime factorization of a given number.
  • Prime testing: returns whether the given number is prime or not.
  • Fermat factorization: returns the Fermat factorization of a given odd number.
  • Euler phi function: returns the Euler phi function of a given number (number of coprime numbers up to given number).
  • Number of divisors: returns the number of divisors of a given number.
  • Sum of divisors: returns the sum of divisors of a given number.

How to run

In nt-calc folder, run command dotnet publish --configuration Release in terminal to build. NTCalculator.exe and NTCalculator.dll are then found in nt-calc\NTCalculator\bin\Release\net6.0.

Potential Improvements and TODO's

  • Performance and benchmarking flags: allow benchmarking for performance of commands.
  • Performance improvements
    • Caching: Implementing a cache for already-computed primes (in sieve) to avoid repeated work.
    • Euler and Prime-testing does not require computing the full prime factorization - simpler and more performant to compute prime factors without multiplicity. For convenience however, I re-used the prime factorization code.
    • Fermat factorization uses long instead of int due to big numbers causing incorrect results. Worth considering switching other methods to use long as well to support bigger inputs.