
Brunch skeletion using twitter bootstrap with some helpers and default views the way I like 'em.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Brunch with Wizards

Brunch with Wizards is a skeleton (boilerplate) for Brunch based on Chaplin architecture including twitter bootstrap.

Requires Brunch 1.6+.

Getting started

  • Create new project via executing brunch new <project name> -s https://github.com/danevans/brunch_with_wizards.
  • Build the project with brunch b or brunch w.
  • Open the public/ dir to see the result.
  • Write your code.

See Chaplin site for docs and more info.

Differences from Brunch with Chaplin

Brunch with Chaplin

  • Include twitter bootstrap CSS and JavaScript
  • Switch default home view to recreate fluid example
  • Add sidebar view with link highlighting
  • Add some sensible view helpers


  • Twitter bootstrap
  • CoffeeScript + Stylus + Handlebars as app languages (you can change this to anything you want)
  • Backbone as main MVC/MVP library, Chaplin as meta-framework.
  • Support of IE8 and up.
  • Cross-module communication using the Mediator and Publish/Subscribe patterns
  • Controllers for managing individual UI views
  • Rails-style routes which map URLs to controller actions
  • An application view as dispatcher and view manager
  • Extended model, view and collection classes to avoid repetition and enforce conventions
  • Strict memory management and object disposal
  • A collection with additional manipulation methods for smarter change events
  • A collection view for easy and intelligent list rendering