This project creates a container to use Invoke-Atomicredteam remotely against targets by establishing a PowerShell Remoting session over SSH.
Two scripts have been created to setup PowerShell Remoting over SSH on the target hosts (Windows and Linxu).
- (C2 Host) Docker is required for Windows/Linux host running the Invoke-Atomicredteam container.
- (Target Host) A user must be created with a password in order to use PowerShell Remoting
Ensure Docker is installed and running
To build the container
docker build -t atomicred .
Run the container
docker run -it --name atomic-red atomicred
Start a remote session
$sess = New-PSSession -HostName <ip address/hostname> -Username <username>
If WSMan support is required for remote connections the docker file based on debian is required
Ensure Docker is installed and running
Build Dockerfile based on debian
docker build -t atomicred -f .\Dockerfile.debian .
Run the container
docker run -it --name atomic-red atomicred
Start a remote session
$sess = New-PSSession -ComputerName <ip address/hostname> -Credential <username> -Authentication Negotiate
Target hosts need to be configured to accept PowerShell Remoting sessions over SSH.
For x64 Windows OS Hosts:
- From an elevated PowerShell prompt run,
For x64 Linux Hosts:
- From an elevated command prompt run,
Establish remote sesion from the server (docker container) to the target client host
$sess = New-PSSession -HostName <ip address/hostname> -Username <username> -Name <friendlyname>
Verify session is established
Get-PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $sess -ScriptBlock {Get-Process}
Install any prerequisites on the remote machine before executing the test
Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -Session $sess -GetPrereqs
Execute all atomic tests in technique T1218.010 on a remote machine
Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -Session $sess
Cleanup from the test
Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -Cleanup -Session $sess
Create a mount point when starting the docker container
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)"/logs:/logs --name atomic-red atomicred
Execute atomic test with Attire logging module
Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.001 -LoggingModule "Attire-ExecutionLogger" -ExecutionLogPath "/logs/attireLog.json" -Session $sess