
Dockerize Invoke-Atomicredteam and automate the configuration of PowerShell Remoting

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Invoke-Atomicredteam Environment Setup

This project creates a container to use Invoke-Atomicredteam remotely against targets by establishing a PowerShell Remoting session over SSH.

Two scripts have been created to setup PowerShell Remoting over SSH on the target hosts (Windows and Linxu).



  • (C2 Host) Docker is required for Windows/Linux host running the Invoke-Atomicredteam container.
  • (Target Host) A user must be created with a password in order to use PowerShell Remoting

Comand and Control Host

  1. Ensure Docker is installed and running

  2. To build the container

    docker build -t atomicred .

  3. Run the container

    docker run -it --name atomic-red atomicred

  4. Start a remote session

    $sess = New-PSSession -HostName <ip address/hostname> -Username <username>

Web Services for Management (WSMan) Support

If WSMan support is required for remote connections the docker file based on debian is required

  1. Ensure Docker is installed and running

  2. Build Dockerfile based on debian

    docker build -t atomicred -f .\Dockerfile.debian .

  3. Run the container

    docker run -it --name atomic-red atomicred

  4. Start a remote session

    $sess = New-PSSession -ComputerName <ip address/hostname> -Credential <username> -Authentication Negotiate

Target Host

Target hosts need to be configured to accept PowerShell Remoting sessions over SSH.

For x64 Windows OS Hosts:

  1. From an elevated PowerShell prompt run, setupPSRemoting.ps1

For x64 Linux Hosts:

  • From an elevated command prompt run, setupPSRemoting.sh


Creating Remote Session

  1. Establish remote sesion from the server (docker container) to the target client host

    $sess = New-PSSession -HostName <ip address/hostname> -Username <username> -Name <friendlyname>
  2. Verify session is established

    Invoke-Command -Session $sess -ScriptBlock {Get-Process}

Verify Invoke-Atomicredteam

  1. Install any prerequisites on the remote machine before executing the test

    Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -Session $sess -GetPrereqs
  2. Execute all atomic tests in technique T1218.010 on a remote machine

    Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -Session $sess
  3. Cleanup from the test

    Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -Cleanup -Session $sess

Logging in Vectr format with Attire-ExecutionLogger

  1. Create a mount point when starting the docker container

    docker run -it -v "$(pwd)"/logs:/logs --name atomic-red atomicred

  2. Execute atomic test with Attire logging module

    Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.001 -LoggingModule "Attire-ExecutionLogger" -ExecutionLogPath "/logs/attireLog.json" -Session $sess

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