
Semantic Role Labeling with Supertags

Primary LanguagePython

tag_srl: Semantic Role Labeling with Supertags

This is a model for semantic dependency parsing based on the syntax-agnostic model of Marcheggiani et al (2017). See https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.02593 and https://github.com/diegma/neural-dep-srl. This model achieves state-of-the-art results by a) using a better regularized LSTM with highway layers, as in He et al (20017), and b) incorporating supertags extracted from dependency trees.


  • Python 2.7
  • TensorFlow 1.0

Required data

You need your own copy of the CoNLL-2009 dataset to train the model. Here are the steps to prepare the data for a given language (here, English):

  1. From the tag_srl directory, create the directories data/eng/conll09/ ("eng" for English).
  2. Add the CoNLL text files to the directory and name them train.txt, dev.txt, test.txt, and ood.txt, if there is an out-of-domain dataset.
  3. Run ./scripts/preprocess.sh eng to extract supertags from the data and generate vocab files.
  4. You also need a copy of the pre-trained word embeddings used in the paper. Download the sskip.100.vectors file from https://github.com/diegma/neural-dep-srl and put it in data/eng/embeddings/sskip.100.vectors. (Instructions for other languages forthcoming.)
  5. To replicate our results, you really need to use predicted predicates and supertags and put them in data/eng/conll09/pred/ with names dev_predicates.txt, dev_stags_model1.txt, etc. a. We used mate-tools to get predicted predicates. You need to download the SRL pipeline (srl-4.31.tgz) and the English model file (linked from here). b. Contact me to get predicted supertags.


Once you have all of the code, you can train a model by running (from the root directory)

python model/train.py

See python model/train.py --help for all of the possible options. The default arguments are all the same as the best hyperparemeters from Marcheggiani et al (2017), but I found that the model performs even better if you add dropout between layers of the bidirectional LSTM (python model/train.py --dropout 0.5).

Training on one Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU, with a batch size of 100, the model took around 13 minutes per epoch, and our best models converged after 3-6 hours of training.


Once you've trained a model, the trained model will be saved in a directory in output/models/. To test the model, run

python model/test.py output/models/model_name test_split

test_split should be dev, test, ood (out-of-domain), or train.


The code for this project is organized as follows:

  1. model/train.py parses command line arguments, resolves filepaths, and then calls utils/vocab.py to get vocabulary objects for words, parts of speech, etc. A Vocab object has methods for mapping words to integer ids and back.
  2. Then model/train.py calls model/srl.py to initialize the SRL_Model object. SRL_Model builds a neural network using generic neural network functions from model/layers.py and model/lstm.py.
  3. model/srl.py uses functions from util/conll_io.py and util/data_loader.py to load CoNLL sentences into the model. a. util/conll_io.py defines methods for reading and writing CoNLL-09 format sentences and storing them in a convenient format, along with predicted predicates and supertags. b. util/data_loader.py converts lists of CoNLL sentences to batches of integer ids that can be fed to the neural network.
  4. The SRL_Model also has methods for running a training or testing epoch. In a testing epoch, the model writes its predictions to a file (usually output/predictions/{model_name}.txt), in CoNLL format, so it can be evaluated with the CoNLL evaluation script.
  5. After each epoch, model/train.py calls the CoNLL-provided perl evaluation script (from a python wrapper in eval/eval.py) and decides whether or not to stop early.
  6. model/test.py just rebuilds a trained model and runs a testing epoch with the specified data.
  7. The predicate disambiguation directory, model/disamb/, is organized in the same way, with one file, model/disamb/disamb.py, to build the network and run training and testing epochs, and one file each for training and testing the model.