
Learning CI/Travis

Primary LanguageJavaScript

travis badge

learn-travis/ Continuous integration

Continuous integration is a software development practice in which members of a team integrate their work frequently - usually one or more times per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build, including tests. This makes it much easier to integrate when compared to rare integration, where there could be an overwhelming number of conflicts and issues which arise as a result of integrating.


Travis is a continuous integration tool. It runs a set of tests for you automatically when you push them to your remote repository. These can be tests can be actual tests, e.g. using tape or you can also set it up to fail if the codebase doesn't meet your linting rules.

To setup travis, go to https://travis-ci.org and sign in with github to give travis access to your repos. In order to set up Travis to watch a given repository, click the small plus icon nest to 'My Repositories' and select your respository.

You'll also need to put a .travis.yml file in your projects root directory like the following:

language: node_js
    - "node"

And in your package.json, change the test script to run whatever tests you want Travis to depend on e.g.

"test": "tape test.js | tap-spec",

It can also be setup to work with your linter.

On your Github account if you look at the commit history for your project you'll now see a tick or cross indicating whether the build passed for that commit.

Including a build passing/failing badge in your readme is as easy as going to your repo on travis, clicking the badge and copying the URL for the image. You can then use this image URL in your projects readme.


  • Doesn't seem to work with ES6 - if you put a really old version of node in your travis.yml
  • Doesn't seem to work with shot - old node issue again I think 😊


Continuous Integration - Martin Fowler