Generated with the rails_apps_composer gem.
This application requires:
- Ruby 2.2.1
- Rails 4.2.3
- Postgres 9.4
- ElasticSearch
- Linux or MacOS
- install homebrew:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- postgres:
brew install postgres
- elasticsearch:
brew install elasticsearch
- git:
brew install git
- do setup in General Quickstart
- postgres:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
- elasticsearch:
- git:
sudo apt-get install git
- install rvm
- install ruby with rvm
rvm install ruby-2.2.1
- connect your git with github (skip if done)
- checkout project somewhere:
git clone
- move to project directory:
cd MakersMap
- install bundler
gem install bundler
- bundle all the gems
- install npm
- install bower
npm install bower
- install js dependencies with bower
rake bower:install
- configure database connection inside: config/database.yml
- create new database:
rake db:create
- run database migrations
rake db:migrate
- seed starting data
rake db:seed
rails server
- Check it works in your browser http://localhost:3000
- Make changes, reload browser to see them happen
- Install Vagrant and Virtualbox, the steps would depend on your OS.
- Install the vbguest plugin by running vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- Start vagrant with Vagrant up
- Login to VM: Vagrant ssh
- Goto the app: cd /vagrant/
- Install bundler: **gem install bundler"
- bundle all the gems bundle
- create new database: rake db:create
- run database migrations: rake db:migrate
- seed the starting data: rake db:seed
- Start it: rails server -b0.0.0.0
- Check if it works in your browser http://localhost:3000
To refresh the ElasticSearch Index, run rake refresh_es
We are unique like a snowflake.
Please fork the repo to your own github account, make a new branch for your feature/changes and then make a pull request to have it merged back into this repo.
GNU Affero General Public License v3