最近在研究这个项目把原项目clone一个分支下来。然后参照原代码重写一遍学习 并添加自己的注释和学习笔记

Sample Credit Card application eco-system


This branch contains the new stack demo. To see the same demo with Spring-Cloud-Netflix stack, check out the branch old-stack.


After running all the apps execute POST at passing

运行起所有的app以后,使用post方法把cardApplication.json的内容作为body提交给 cardApplication.json as body.

http POST < cardApplication.json
ab -p cardApplication.json -T application/json -c 10 -n 20000 http://localhost:9080/application
  • new card applications registered via card-service
  • 新卡申请注册通过card-service服务
  • user registered via user-service
  • 用户注册通过user-service服务
  • fraud-service called by card-service and user-service to verify card applications and new users 申请卡(card-service)和注册用户服务(user-service)调用验证服务(fraud-service)验证提交的新卡信息和新用户信息是否正确

If you want to run a bigger number of requests, you can use the ab benchmarking tool: 如果你需要运行大数据量的请求,可以使用ab

ab -p cardApplication.json -T application/json -c 10 -n 20000 http://localhost:9080/application
http GET
http GET
  • ignored service with test endpoint returning 404 via Proxy and /test/allowed endpoint returning response from the service. ignored服务的test断点通过Proxy和/test/allowed端服务返回404



    ---验证卡信息--Proxy-->FraudVerifier---验证通过--Proxy-->CardService--信用卡申请成功-> 用户

+-------+                         +-------------+       +-------------+          +-------+             +---------------+ +-----------------+ +-------+
| User  |                         | CardService |       | UserService |          | Proxy |             | FraudVerifier | | IgnoredService  | | PRoxy |
+-------+                         +-------------+       +-------------+          +-------+             +---------------+ +-----------------+ +-------+
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    | Register application               |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |----------------------------------->|                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    | Create new user     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |------------------------------------------>|                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |     Create new user |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |<--------------------|                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     | Verify new user     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |-------------------->|                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     | Verify new user         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |------------------------>|                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |           User verified |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |<------------------------|                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |       User verified |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |<--------------------|                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |        User created |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |<--------------------|                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  | User created |
    |                                    |<------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    | Verify card application                   |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |-------------------------------------------------------------------->|                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     Card application verified |                  |              |
    |                                    |<--------------------------------------------------------------------|                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |        Card application registered |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |<-----------------------------------|                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
    |                                    |                     |                     |                         |                  |              |
+-------+                         +-------+         +-----------------+
| User  |                         | Proxy |         | IgnoredService  |
+-------+                         +-------+         +-----------------+
    |                                 |                      |
    | IgnoredService/Test             |                      |
    |-------------------------------->|                      |
    |                                 |                      |
    |                             404 |                      |
    |<--------------------------------|                      |
    |                                 |                      |
    | IgnoredService/Test/Allowed     |                      |
    |-------------------------------->|                      |
    |                                 |                      |
    |                                 | Get allowed          |
    |                                 |--------------------->|
    |                                 |                      |
    |                         Allowed |                      |
    |<--------------------------------|                      |
    |                                 |                      |

Setup using new stack


Client side load-balancing using LoadBalancerClient


  • Ribbon used via @LoadBalanced WebClient
  • Ribbon configuration modified via @LoadBalancerClient

Apps communicating via Gateway:

  • Routes have to be explicitly defined
    • 路由必须强制生命
  • Possibility to configure routes either via properties or Java configuration
    • 不管属性文件还是Java类配置路由都可以
  • All headers passed by default
    • 所有的header传递缺省值
  • Routes matched using predicates, requests modified using filters
    • 路由匹配修饰? 使用过滤器编辑请求?

Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker + Resilience4J

spring cloud的环形断路器+Resilience4J
  • Interactions defined using injected CircuitBreakerFactory via the create() method
  • 已定义互动通过created()方法注入CircuitBreakerFactory
  • HTTP call and fallback method defined
  • 已定义HTTP调用和返回方法
  • Circuit breaker configuration modified in Customizer<CircuitBreaker bean in a @Configuration class
  • 通过在一个配置类中修改Customizer<CircuitBreaker来修改断路器的配置
  • Resilience4J used underneath
  • 后面使用了Resilience4J

Micrometer + Prometheus

HTTP通信使用千分尺和普罗米修斯 添加千分尺的Timer来验证客户端服务

  • HTTP traffic monitoring using Micrometer + Prometheus
  • Added a Micrometer's Timer to VerificationServiceClient