
Call functions that live and run in a different JavaScript window/process

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


WranggleRpc is a JavaScript/TypeScript library for calling code that lives and runs in a different window/process. This is especially helpful when building:

  • Browser extensions which have content page windows, popup windows, and service/background windows that must interact
  • Electron apps with their mix of Node and browser window processes
  • Web pages using iframes, WebSocket servers, or web/service workers

Without WranggleRpc, things can easily get tangled and ugly: one side will send a message, the other side listens for it, acts on it, and sends back a response, which the original side must listen for, and so on.

WranggleRpc makes it nice.

Quick Example

In a Chrome extension, page-injected code might use WranggleRpc to run methods that live in the main extension's window with something like:

import { WranggleRpc } from '@wranggle/rpc';
const remote = new WranggleRpc('chrome').remoteInterface();

async function screenshotIfDesired() {
  const userPrefs = await remote.getUserPrefs();  
  if (userPrefs.screenshot) {
    await remote.takeScreenshot();

The above getUserPrefs and takeScreenshot methods run in a different window, in the main extension. Without the normal send/bind message clutter, calling them isn't much trouble.

If using TypeScript, you'll also enjoy autocomplete and type checking on your remote calls when you specify a remote interface on WranggleRpc. eg: new WranggleRpc<MyRemoteInterface>(myOpts)

Of course, the remote endpoint needs to declare the methods it will handle but we can simply provide the methods on an existing model. Let's take a look at the other endpoint, the code in the main browser extension:

import { WranggleRpc } from '@wranggle/rpc';
const rpc = new WranggleRpc('chrome'); // note: we'll want to set other options here (covered below)


rpc.addRequestHandler('takeScreenshot', someFunctionThatUsesChromeApi);

The above addRequestHandlerDelegate lets the other endpoint call any method on the userPrefs model. (With default filters applied, see Request Handlers section below.) If the model also offered a savePreference method, our browser-tab code could call that too.

We use addRequestHandler to register a specific function, rather than an entire model. It would be insecure to blindly delegate all requests to the powerful Chromium browser extension API so for takeScreenshot we only register a single function.


WranggleRpc is a candy-coating for the message-passing you're already using. In each window/process, you create a WranggleRpc endpoint, giving it a transport that handles its message-passing. The transport's job is to send and receive arbitrary message data between your two endpoints.

The main @wranggle/rpc package ships with the following transports:

Additional, a Relay can be used as a bridge between any two transports, when a message needs to hop across an intermediate window/process. You can also create your own custom transport.

Each transport has its own configuration options. Take a look at the README for each of the ones you use.


  1. Add the package @wranggle/rpc to your project:

    # From the command line using yarn:
    yarn add @wranggle/rpc
    # or with npm:
    npm install @wranggle/rpc 

    Note: if your project is set up to use ES6 and import statements, see the individual package distribution alternative below.

  2. In each of your two JavaScript window/process endpoints, require or import WranggleRpc:

    import { WranggleRpc } from '@wranggle/rpc'; 
    // or:
    const { WranggleRpc } = require('@wranggle/rpc');  
  3. In each window/process, instantiate WranggleRpc with the correct transport plus any desired options.


    const rpc = new WranggleRpc({ 
      channel: 'blog-article-crud',
      transport: transportForThisEndpoint

    When you create your new WranggleRpc(opts) endpoint, set your opts using the Options section below.

    You'll also want to add some Request Handlers.

    And make some Remote Requests.

Request Handlers

When you make an RPC method call like remote.liftSomething('heavy') the other endpoint sees it as a request to run "liftSomething" and tries to find a matching handler for that method name.

You can register entire models, sharing their methods with the other endpoint, or specific functions. These request handlers can return a value (or a Promise of one) which is sent back to the other endpoint, resolving the original call.

Delegated approach: share methods of a model

In this approach, you delegate the methods of an entire model using rpc.addRequestHandlerDelegate(delegate: object, opts?: DelegatedRequestHandlerOpts).

For example:

rpc.addRequestHandlerDelegate(currentBlogArticle, {
  ignoreWithUnderscorePrefix: true,

In the above example, methods name create and update on the currentBlogArticle model would run, but _destroy would not run.

Options for addRequestHandlerDelegate:

  • shouldRun: a whitelist of method names (as an array or Set). Eg:

    rpc.addRequestHandlerDelegate(myModel, {
      shouldRun: [ 'create', 'update' ]

    Alternatively, provide a filter function. The function must return true for the method to run. Eg:

    rpc.addRequestHandlerDelegate(myModel, {
      shouldRun: (methodName) => methodName === 'create' || methodName === 'update'

    The type signature of this filter function is: (methodName: string, delegatedModel: object, ...userArgs: any[]) => boolean

  • ignoreInherited: When true, inherited methods are not run. Only methods on the current class can run, not its super. (Only methods on the immediate object and its prototype will run.) Default is true.

  • ignoreWithUnderscorePrefix: when true, does not run method if it starts with an underscore "_". Default is true.

You can delegate multiple models if desired. WranggleRpc will run the first registered method it finds that passes all filters.

Registering specific functions

You can add a specific function with rpc.addRequestHandler(). For example:

rpc.addRequestHandler('liftSomething', myUsefulFunction);

If the other endpoint calls remote.liftSomething('quickly, { carefully: true }), our newly registered myUsefulFunction will serve that request, receiving the same arguments sent in the call. The function can return a value or a promise (and so can be an async function too).

The full type signature is: rpc.addRequestHandler(methodName: string, handlerFn: (...args: any[] => any | Promise<any>), opts?: NamedRequestHandlerOpts) => RemotePromise.

You can pass in options as a third parameter to addRequestHandler:

  • useCallback If you prefer Node-style callbacks over promises, set useCallback to true and your request handler will be passed a callback when run. Instead of using your handler function's returned value or promise to resolve the remote request, the callback will now resolve it.
  • ** context** sets the "this" binding when running your function. (But remember that "this" cannot be changed for arrow functions.)

A convenience meethod rpc.addRequestHandlers(functionsByMethodName, opts) is also available. It loops over the passed in object, registering each function.

WranggleRpc options

You can set some general options when you construct your WranggleRpc endpoint and can also update them after construction using rpc.opts(updatedOpts).

Main options:

  • allRequestOpts. Sets default request options for all remote requests sent from this endpoint. When making the remote calls, the defaults will be refined/overriden with values set by the setDefaultRequestOptsForMethod method, which are refined further by options set directly on the call's RemotePromise. (RequestOpts like timeouts.)
  • channel: string. Unless the remote endpoint uses the exact same channel value, WranggleRpc will ignore its remote requests. Recommended when you use more than one WranggleRpc endpoint in the same window/process, but be careful to use the exact same value.
  • transport: The value of this is passed to the WranggleRpc useTransport method, setting up the transport which is required before the endpoint can be used.

Additionally, each transport adds its own shortcut to WranggleRpc options. For example, the "electron" options here are used as a shortcut for setting the endpoint's transport to new ElectronTransport({ ipcSender: ipcRenderer }):

const rpc = new WranggleRpc({
  channel: 'os-file-dialogs',
  electron: { ipcSender: ipcRenderer } // explained in ElectronTransport's own README

Secondary options:

  • preparseAllIncomingMessages A function/hook that lets you modify or filter raw RPC request and response payload messages. It runs after the transport receives the message and after WranggleRpc verifies it is a properly formatted payload but before it is passed to a request handler. Eg:

    const rpc = new WranggleRpc({ 
      preparseAllIncomingMessages: (payload) => _checkHmac(payoad.myMeta)

    The function can return either a modified payload or true to accept the passed-in payload, anything else means invalidate/ignore.

  • senderId A string included on each message payload identifying the sender endpoint. It is generated randomly by default but can be specified here for debug purposes. The two endpoints must use different senderId values.

WranggleRpc methods

The following methods are called on the WranggleRpc instance/endpoint. (The "rpc" variable in most examples.)

  • setDefaultRequestOptsForMethod(methodName: string, opts: RequestOptions) Applies request options to all remote calls for a specific method name. For example, a backend process might tell a frontend window to display a user message without needing a response, so we can set its rsvp option to false:

    rpc.setDefaultRequestOptsForMethod('showUserMessage', { rsvp: false });
    rpc.remoteInterface().showUserMessage('Action complete!'); // now the other endpoint won't send back a response; the returned Promise resolves immediately
  • useTransport(transport: RpcTransport) explicitly sets the RpcTransport for this endpoint. Usually you'll create and set the transport using a shortcut when constructing the WranggleRpc endpoint (as described on the transport's individual README.)

Covered in other sections:

  • Request handler methods: see addRequestHandler and addRequestHandlerDelegate in Request Handler section.
  • remoteInterface() See section on Remote Requests
  • rpc.opts(opts: RpcOpts) see section on WranggleRpc Options
  • Secondary/uncommon method documentation

Remote Requests

You make your requests on WranggleRpc's remoteInterface, eg:

const rpc = new WranggleRpc(myOpts);
const remote = rpc.remoteInterface();
remote.withSugar(3, 'lumps');

If using TypeScript, import and apply an interface during construction, where new WranggleRpc<T>(opts) gives you remoteInterface(): T. For example:

import { MainProcessMethods } from 'src/main/api/interfaces.ts';
import { WranggleRpc } from '@wranggle/rpc';
const rpc = new WranggleRpc<MainProcessMethods>(myOpts);
const remote = rpc.remoteInterface(); // remote now has MainProcessMethods typings

When you call a remote method, your call immediately returns a RemotePromise. It offers some helpful methods of its own, but more importantly, it behaves like a normal Promise, resolving to whatever the remote method returns. eg:

const remotePromise = remote.recordWinner({ redTeam: 3, blueTeam: 2 });
remotePromise.then((teamRank) => this.teamRank = teamRank);

Since it is a Promise, we could replace "then" with "await" when in an async function: this.rank = await remotePromise;

Alternatively, if you pass a callback as the last parameter to your remote call, it will use that.

The RemotePromise also offers some additonal methods:

  • updateTimeout(durationInMs) Set or update timeout for a single request. Eg:

    const remotePromise = remote.pullExternalData();
    if (isUsingSlowServer) {

    If a response isn't received in the specified time in milliseconds, the RemotePromise will be rejected. (Note: you can set a default timeout by method name using rpc.setDefaultRequestOptsForMethod or a default for all rpc requests in rpc.opts.

  • resolveNow(...results) force the RemotePromise to resolve immediately

  • rejectNow(reason) force reject the RemotePromise

  • info() returns info about about the remote request. (timestamps, status)

Individual Packages

The @wranggle/rpc package bundles all of the transports plus their dependencies into a single CommonJs file. If your environment will accept ES6 and import statements, it's better to load just the modules you use. Each transport is available as a separate package on NPM and you can import WranggleRpc itself from @wranggle/rpc-core.