Ansible Hackathon Setup

These playbooks bootstraps and provisions a set of machines in azure to be used for an Ansible Hackathon.



A Linux bootstrap machine, it could be windows subsystem for linux (WSL), Cloud bash, whatever.

You need to have an azure subscription, and be logged in.

One way of doing this is using the Azure CLI. Get it here:

Then log in:

az login


First we need to create and bootstrap azure resources needed for the hackathon.

Start by running:

ansible-playbook -i hosts bootstrap-resources.yml

This creates a set of host machines and some target servers in the resource-group name ansiblehack-rg. It might take some time, so have patience.

After that, all inventory should be described in azurehosts, this is needed for provisioning.


To install ansible, pywinrm, and creation of the developer use by which the developers on the hackathon logs into the hostmachines. Run:

ansible-playbook -i azurehosts provision-hosts.yml


From here on SSH into a host machine using the developer user:

ssh developer@<host-ip>

where <host-ip> is one of the ip addresses under [hosts] in azurehosts.