
A mashup of demographic info and mass transit routes in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Primary LanguagePython

Inequality & Mass Transit in the Bay Area

This is a mashup to overlay demographic info with the all the major mass transit routes in the San Francisco Bay Area.

This master branch you’re looking at has the Python code used to generate the data files used by the visualization.. The visualization itself is in the gh-pages branch.

Running locally for forking/development

To run the Javascript app locally, you can e.g. use Python's one-line web server.

First go into the repo directory:

cd sf-transit-inequality

Then check out the gh-pages branch:

git checkout gh-pages

Launch the Python server:

# In Python 2.x
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
# OR, in Python 3.x
python -m http.server 8000

Finally, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000/.

Modifying for other cities and demographic data

To generate the JSON file that the mashup reads data from, run grab_routes.py.

To change it to graph another city, change ALL_GTFS_PATHS in config.py to point to other GTFS feeds available from the transit agency of your choice.

To graph other dimensions, change the MEDIAN_INCOME_TABLE_NAME constant to some other American Community Survey column name. More info available at census.gov. Also, be sure to use your own API key!

Python Requirements