
This simple script will allow you to create terminal-esq interfaces on your webpage

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ConsoleJS : The lazy man's UI

This simple script will allow you to create terminal-esq interfaces on your webpage. It's not really good at it's job, but I made this because sometimes I make a javascript that dose some work that dosen't require user interface.


Link WIP*

*not really I mean who am I kidding


Step: 1

Add this tag where the rest of your script tags are

	<script src="https://rawgit.com/danhab99/ConsoleJS/master/console.js"></script>

Step: 2

Add an isConsole attribute to the div you want to make a console. THIS WILL ONLY WORK ON divS*.

Step: 2.1

Include the console's script file in your group of script tags. Like so:

<script src="https://rawgit.com/danhab99/ConsoleJS/master/console.js"></script>

Then set the Console Div's console-Script attribute to the object containing the code. This will make this Console Div run this script. Don't worry, we'll prepare the script in a moment.

Step: 2.2 (Optional)

A Console Div has afew optional attributes:

Attribute Description Default
console-Script Sets the script variable to use NO DEFAULT! REQUIRED
console-Forecolor Sets the color of the text #ffffff
console-Backcolor Sets the background #000000
console-FontSize Sets the font size 12
console-Font Sets the font family used Verdana
console-Limit Defines a maximum number of lines allowed on a console -1 (limitless)

Step: 3

Now we will prepare the script file. It must be a completly seperate .js file and must look like this:

	init: function(){
		//OPTIONAL, will run before main
	main: function(C){


Step: 4

Done! Considering you just followed my instructions explicitly you should have a running console div!

Script usage

In the script file where it says //YOUR CODE HERE you will see right above it a big 'C'. You can change that to be 'console' if you'd like. It us used to access the (currently) three console commands.

Command Parameters Description
WriteLine message Prints something out to the console
ReadLine callback(results) Requests an input from the user
Beep none Will beep
Remove index If negative will remove the last message, if positive will remove a specific message (untested)

For example C.WriteLine("Hello World") will print hello world. All your code and logic should take place within the script files as external interaction is not tested reccomended.

Script methods

There are different methods that will be run in order from a script file.

Method Parameters Description
init none Runs first
main The console Dose all the console should do

Init return values

If you do choose to use the init function you are required to return a value at the end of it. If you don't init will automatically return 0;

Parameter Description
0 Ready: Will start main
1 Abort: Will quit life
2 Retry: Will redo init


By the time you're done, you should have something like:


<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Console Test</title>

	<script src="https://rawgit.com/danhab99/ConsoleJS/master/console.js"></script>
	<script src="js/console1.js"></script>
	<div isConsole console-Script="console1" console-Forecolor="#ffffff" style="width:300px; height:300px;"></div>


var console1 = {
	init: function(){
		return 0;
	main: function(C){
		var a;
		var b;
			a = parseInt(e);
				b = parseInt(e);
				C.WriteLine("Sum = " + (a + b));

Step 5 (Optional)

I added in a feature where you can add your own custom beeping sounds. Just add in an audio tag of your choice and configure at as such:

<audio consoleBeep id="NAMEOFBEEP"></audio>

And then in your javascript: