Demonstrating use of:
SSDT (DACPAC) for database definition
embedded Evolve to maintain backend-specific views (representing the DTO mapping)
sidekick for dapr dev environment
graphql for querying (using views)
support sorting, filtering
support paging (commented out for the moment)
including /graphql playground
codegen client-side DTOs using Strawberry Shake
rest for updates
swagger via Swashbuckle
also generate swagger.yml file
dapr for service invocations
dapr for distribute tracing (via zipkin)
use of ActivitySource for custom spans
include instrumenting SqlClient
automatically seeds data in DB (if none present)
dapr for secrets lookup
GraphQL frontend to own library
GraphQl frontend participates in distributed tracing
dapr sidekick dependent on environment (if
env vars present, then skip). -
using tye to emulate an orchestrator
building Docker images
install Docker Desktop
install Dapr
iwr -useb | iex
configure local secrets component
~/dapr/components/movie-secret-store.ymlapiVersion: kind: Component metadata: name: movie-secret-store namespace: default spec: type: secretstores.local.file version: v1 metadata: - name: secretsFile value: movie-secrets.json - name: nestedSeparator value: ":"
~/dapr/bin/movie-secrets.json{ "ConnectionString": "Server=halxps15-2022\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=dbMovie;Integrated Security=True;Encrypt=False;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" }
Notedapr sidekick runs daprd in its home directory, ~/.dapr/bin
. Haven’t figured out how to relocate yet.
swagger.yml created
DACPAC created
restore tool
cd Db dotnet tool restore
deploy with sql package
dotnet SqlPackage /Action:Publish /SourceFile:"bin\Debug\Db.dacpac" /TargetConnectionString:"Server=halxps15-2022\SQLEXPRESS;Database=dbMovie;Integrated Security=True;Encrypt=False;"
confirm DB ok
tables (but no views)
Run the backend (on port 7092)
Inspect the database
Views should have been created by Evolve (
schema). -
sidekick should have started
:dapr list
inspect Swagger backend, https://localhost:7092/swagger
try out "Get movies"
inspect Graphql playground, navigate to http://localhost:7092/graphql
query { movies { id title releaseDate genre price } }
inspect Zipkin, navigate to http://localhost:9411/zipkin
compare the SQL in both cases
run the frontend also (on port 7082)
Should be able to list, edit
inspect Zipkin, navigate to http://localhost:9411/zipkin
Perform an edit
inspect Zipkin
Perform a delete (which has a bug in it)
inspect Zipkin, can see reason why movie doesn’t delete
tye run
inspect dashboard at http://localhost:8000
endpoints to access-
for backend,
for frontend,
zipkin still available at http://localhost:9411/zipkin/
to stop everything -
set a breakpoint at first line of
tye run --debug moviebackend
and then attach using Visual Studio 2022
in root folder:
build backend
docker build -f MovieBackend/Dockerfile -t moviebackend:latest .
build frontend
docker build -f MovieFrontend/Dockerfile -t moviefrontend:latest .
confirm built:
docker image ls
tye build
fails to create images fails, need to figure out why. -
tye watch
run Docker images in k8s (deploy via tye)
ACA deploy
better error handling on DELETE (FK violation not shown, but traceable via zipkin).
builder.Services.AddPooledDbContextFactory<MovieDbContext>(options ⇒ )
for performance