
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project combines Apache Isis SimpleApp archetype 1.6.0 and also the AngularJS seed app, to get started hacking using Isis' implementation of the Restful Objects v1.0 spec.

To start:

Use npm to bring down dependencies (they aren't checked into the git repo):

cd webapp/src/main/webapp/angular
npm install

Might need to run this command twice (at least, I did on Windows).

The example as committed demonstrates CORS support by hard-coding the URL (in webapp/src/main/webapp/angular/app/controllers.js:

  url: 'http://halyogatp:8080/restful/services/'

Change hostname as required.

To run the example without a requirement for CORS being configured, change to a relative URL:

  url: '/restful/services/'

Either way, when browse to http://localhost:8080/angular/app/index.html then should see something like:


This remainder of this README just captures how I got to this point...

initial seed

Copied down a default .gitignore

  • ignore Java classes and archives, IDE project files etc.

Create Isis simple app from archetype:

mvn archetype:generate  \
    -D archetypeGroupId=org.apache.isis.archetype \
    -D archetypeArtifactId=simpleapp-archetype \
    -D archetypeVersion=1.6.0 \
    -D groupId=com.danhaywood.isis.angularjs.simpleapp \
    -D artifactId=isis-angularjs-simpleapp \
    -D version=1.0-SNAPSHOT \
mv isis-angularjs-simpleapp/* .
rmdir isis-angularjs-simpleapp

Clone angular-seed (as at 0edde11d781eb2834561db30c4b4a4778e27907c):

git clone https://github.com/angular/angular-seed.git
rm -rf angular-seed/.git
mv angular-seed webapp/src/main/webapp/angular

Install dependencies (as per angular-seed's README):

cd webapp/src/main/webapp
npm install

Errors reported in npm-debug.log (running on Windows?). However, ran again:

npm install

and completed successfully.

Note that node_modules and bower_components are already ignored through the .gitignore in the webapp/src/main/webapp/angular directory)

run the app

Import into IDE, run.

Can browse to http://localhost:8080/angular/app/index.html


disable RO security

in webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml




Update index.html and add a simple controller

In index.html:


  <ul class="list-group" ng-controller="IsisCtrl">
      <li class="list-group-item"
          ng-repeat="service in isisdata.value">
          <a href="{{service.href}}">{{service.title}}</a>

In js/controllers.js:

  .controller('IsisCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {

    $scope.yeomanStuff = function () {
      return [

    function ISISwww($scope, $http) {


        method: "GET",

        url: '/restful/services/'


      success(function (isisdata) {

          $scope.isisdata = isisdata;



    ISISwww($scope, $http);


Cross origin support

To demonstrate cross-origin support, changed the URL to load from fully qualified host name:

  url: 'http://halyogatp:8080/restful/services/'

where "halyogatp" is my hostname. Change as required.

Running the app caused the expected cross-origin error to occur:

Added in filter:


and corresponding class CrossOriginFilter in webapp/src/main/java

And, w00t! once more.