
A completely hand-drawn platformer, created in about 9-10 hours for the Ludum Dare compo.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Paper Jam!

A completely hand-drawn platform game, created in not a very large amount of time, for the Ludum Dare compo.

game image

More info abou the game here: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/38/$24835 Play it here: https://danhett.itch.io/paper-jam


To set up, just do npm install (you might need sudo) in the root directory and wait for the million billion dependencies to download. Node, innit.


To run in dev/watch mode, do npm start which will host the game on localhost:3000 (or the best nearest guess if that port is busy).

Additionally it'll activate BrowserSync, so you can hit the URL on the same network from a different machine/device and test your game out that way (it prints both out in the console when you build)

This process will also watch for changes, so when you save your code the game should update in your browser automatically. Handy. Gulp also handles Babel translation, so your shiny ES6 code will be compiled into something that'll work in most places. Not that you care, this is a game jam, right?


To build a full production game, do npm run production


Sometimes this seems to ignore new binaries pllaced in static until you kick the process. No idea why.


Released unde the Do What The Fuck You Want To public license. So, please do. (See LICENSE.md for the full terms of this extensive licensing model)