
Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


General Information

A low Mach number solver for simulations of turbulent flows at trancritical and supercritical conditions in OpenFOAM 6.0. This solver is developed based on the real-fluid based thermophysicalModels libary [1] and reactingFoam solver. In this solver, a pressure-based solution method with a modified PIMPLE algorithm [2] is employed to improve the stability while a fast and robust coupling Newton-Bisection algorithm is utilized to guarantee the convergency of fluid flow simulations under transcritical and supercritical conditions.

Real-fluid models can be used with this solver

  • Modified Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) model for equation of state [3, 4].
  • Peng-Robinson (PR) model for equation of state [5]
  • JANAF-based model for real-fluid thermodynamic properties.
  • Chung's model (1988) for dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity [6].


  • Since this solver is developed based on OpenFOAM 6.0 in Linux operating systems, the complete installation of OpenFOAM 6.0 framework is required.

  • Prepare a directory on your system, e.g., yourDirectory:

      mkdir ~/OpenFOAM/yourDirectory/
      cd ~/OpenFOAM/yourDirectory/	
  • Download source files using git:

      git clone https://github.com/danhnam11/realFluidFoam-6.git
  • Specify the path of your src directory to an environment variable, LIB_rfFoam_SRC. For example:

      echo "export LIB_rfFoam_SRC=~/OpenFOAM/yourDirectory/realFluidFoam-6/src/" >> ~/.bashrc
      source ~/.bashrc
  • To compile the necessary libraries and solver, go to realFluidFoam-6 directory and run the Allwmake script:

      cd ~/OpenFOAM/yourDirectory/realFluidFoam-6/
  • Now all necessary libraries inlcuding the real-fluid based thermophysicalModels and realFluidFoam solver are stored at $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN and $FOAM_USER_APPBIN directory. These newly compiled libraries and solver are ready to be used.

  • To remove all compiled libraries and solvers, go to realFluidFoam-6 directory and run the Allwclean script:

      cd ~/OpenFOAM/yourDirectory/realFluidFoam-6/

Using realFluidFoam solver

  • Upon completing the compilation process, the solver can be utilized with different real-fluid models by simply typing realFluidFoam in the terminal.
  • It is of importance to note that the runtime names of real-fluid thermophysical models also need to be specified correctly. For details of using real-fluid models, reader can refer to https://github.com/danhnam11/realFluidThermophysicalModels-6
  • Readers are referred to our paper for the validation of the new solver.


Tutorials for LES of a cryogenic nitrogen jet is available in the tutorial directory.

cd ~/OpenFOAM/yourDirectory/realFluidFoam-6/tutorials/


This package was developed at Clean Combustion & Energy Research Lab., Dept. of Mech. Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea (Prof. C.S. Yoo: https://csyoo.unist.ac.kr/). If you publish results that are obtained using this package, please cite our papers as follows:

  • D. N. Nguyen, C. S. Yoo, realFluidFoam: A low Mach number solver for simulations of turbulent flows at transcritical and supercritical conditions in OpenFOAM, Computers & Mathematics with Applications (2024)(submitted).
  • D. N. Nguyen, K. S. Jung, J. W. Shim, C. S. Yoo, Real-fluid thermophysicalModels library: An OpenFOAM-based library for reacting flow simulations at high pressure, Comput. Phys. Commun. 273 (2022) 108264.



  • [1] D. N. Nguyen, K. S. Jung, J. W. Shim, C. S. Yoo, Real-fluid thermophysicalModels library: An OpenFOAM-based library for reacting flow simulations at high pressure, Comput. Phys. Commun. 273 (2022) 108264.
  • [2] M. Jarczyk, M. Pfitzner, Large eddy simulation of supercritical nitrogen jets, in: 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Nashville, Tennessee, 2012.
  • [3] G. Soave, Equilibrium constants from a modified Redlich-Kwong equation of state, Chem. Eng. Sci. 27 (1972) 1197-1203.
  • [4] D. Peng, D. Robinson, New two-equation of state, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. 15(1976) 59-64.
  • [5] M. S. Graboski, T. E. Daubert, A modified Soave equation of state for phase equilibrium calculations. 1. Hydrocarbon systems, Ind. Eng. Chem. Process. Des. Dev. 17 (1978) 443-448.
  • [6] T. C. Horng, M. Ajlan, L. L. Lee, K. E. Starling, M. Ajlan, Generalized multiparameter correlation for nonpolar and polar fluid transport properties, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 27 (1988) 671-679.