
:desktop_computer: • Course on HTML5 and CSS3 by Professor Guanabara

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

💻 "HTML5 & CSS3" course, channel: Video Course


Complete HTML5 and CSS3 course, covering everything from creating responsive websites like yours



  • Module 01: First steps HTML + CSS

Basic concepts, environment preparation, HTML5 semantics, texts, titles, links, multimedia, styles.

  • Module 02: Making things more beautiful

Design fundamentals, color psychology, typography, CSS elements, box templates, wireframe, responsiveness.

  • Module 03: Putting a prototype on air

Software Versioning, Static Website Hosting, Tables.

  • Module 04: Deepening knowledge

Online boards, forms, media queries, mobile first.

  • Module 05: New Technologies

FlexBox, GridLayout, Final Design.

🧰 Tools Used

🔓 Licence

Developed by Daniel Paiva