Pinned Repositories
Augmented Reality Authentication Mechanism that allows users to authenticate themselves by interacting with a virtual keypad (involving no touch and only by moving the phone).
Aggregated data from Twitter, New York Times and Common Crawl, applied a big data analytic method (Hadoop MapReduce) on data obtained, and built a data visualization product with Tableu.
A program to train an agent on a simple tile based environment using deep Q-networks (Neural Networks and Q-learning) and a program to train an agent to play the Breakout ATARI game.
Programs to recognize MNIST, USPS digits using Neural Networks, SVM and Random forests, and to compare handwriting samples to determine if it were written by the same person on the CEDAR datasets.
Programs to detect clusters in data using GMM and compressed images (Color Quantization) using k-means clustering methods, detect bone fragments in an X-ray image using Segmentation and de-noise binary images using Morphological Image Processing.
Programs to detect keyPoints in Images using SIFT, compute Homography and stitch images to create a Panorama and compute epilines and depth map between stereo images.
Implemented a multicast protocol that allows users to multicast messages to other devices on a network, in an ordered fashion ( FIFO and total orderings), with failure handling on Android.
Improved Multi-threading capabilities (with priority scheduling) and User Program execution in the PintOS kernel.
Android Augmented Reality application that uses Google's ARCore to display documents (using pre-generated markers) based on User credentials and permission levels.
Implemented a Dynamo-style key-value storage with Partitioning, Replication, and Failure handling, that provides Availability and Linearizability at the same time across multiple Android devices.
dani-amirtharaj's Repositories
Programs to detect keyPoints in Images using SIFT, compute Homography and stitch images to create a Panorama and compute epilines and depth map between stereo images.
Programs to detect clusters in data using GMM and compressed images (Color Quantization) using k-means clustering methods, detect bone fragments in an X-ray image using Segmentation and de-noise binary images using Morphological Image Processing.
Android Augmented Reality application that uses Google's ARCore to display documents (using pre-generated markers) based on User credentials and permission levels.
Programs to recognize MNIST, USPS digits using Neural Networks, SVM and Random forests, and to compare handwriting samples to determine if it were written by the same person on the CEDAR datasets.
Augmented Reality Authentication Mechanism that allows users to authenticate themselves by interacting with a virtual keypad (involving no touch and only by moving the phone).
Aggregated data from Twitter, New York Times and Common Crawl, applied a big data analytic method (Hadoop MapReduce) on data obtained, and built a data visualization product with Tableu.
A program to train an agent on a simple tile based environment using deep Q-networks (Neural Networks and Q-learning) and a program to train an agent to play the Breakout ATARI game.
Programs to detect edges in Images using the Sobel filter, detect points using the Laplacian kernel, detect lines and circles using the Hough transform and detect cursors using template matching.
Improved Multi-threading capabilities (with priority scheduling) and User Program execution in the PintOS kernel.
A program to show differences between Software 1.0 and 2.0 programming approaches using Neural Networks and a data-driven ranking program (LeToR) with Linear regression and Radial Basis Functions.
Implemented a multicast protocol that allows users to multicast messages to other devices on a network, in an ordered fashion ( FIFO and total orderings), with failure handling on Android.
Python wrapper for Twitter Premium and Enterprise Search APIs
Implemented a Dynamo-style key-value storage with Partitioning, Replication, and Failure handling, that provides Availability and Linearizability at the same time across multiple Android devices.
Sceneform SDK for Android
Developed a location based predictive model to forecast occurrences of riots and protests in various Indian cities, (with a minimum lead time of 2 days) using data mined from Twitter and News sources.
Actively maintained, pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API. Supports both normal and streaming Twitter APIs.