Project GenoJaws

An exome capture project to investigate population decline (evolutionary and ecological time scales) in shark spp. This repository contains the code used to investigate population genomics in the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

Background :

Study Species : White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

The global decline of apex predatory sharks over the past half-century has been significant, and there are few reports of recovery. With exception, the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) - a large, charismatic, globally distributed marine predator - has recorded positive population trends in some ocean basins following significant declines due to anthropogenic pressure (i.e. over-fishing, bather protection programs) through the twentieth century.

Population declines are significant demographic events where the loss of individuals and populations are predicted to have negative effects at the genomic level such as loss of genetic diversity, increased genetic drift and increased inbreeding.

In this study we collected white shark samples from before, during and after recent known bottlenecks from all major ocean basins where populations are known to occur:

  • Pacific ocean including east Australia and New Zealand and Mexico
  • Indian ocean including South Africa and Western Australia
  • the Atlantic ocean.


  • Determine

Data Access:

Species Biology Notes:

Other Information

Genome available: Transcriptome available: