Event: Integrating acquisition and AI in tomography at Lorentz Center, Leiden, NE
Presentation: Team's PDF
These are links to Jupyter Notebooks used as part of tutorial delivered at LBNL ALS User Meeting:
- Download STL to print your triceratops or visualize using itkwidgets
- 3D Data Specimens:
- Fibers - Beads - Explore HPC-aware viz code
- Python Cluster Configuration: - Coiled.io Cloud - NERSC
@article{Battery:NPJ:2023, author = {Huang, Ying and Perlmutter, David and Su, Andrea and Quenum, Jerome and Zenyuk, Iryna and Ushizima, Daniela}, isbn = {2057-3960}, journal = {Nature Computational Materials}, title = {Detecting Lithium Plating Dynamics in a Solid-State Battery with Operando X-ray Computed Tomography using Machine Learning (accepted)}, year = {2023}, }
@article{Pinto:2022, author = {Allan Pinto, Gabriel Borin, Bruno Carlos, Matheus L. Bernardi, Matheus F. Sarmento, Alan Z. Peixinho, Thiago V. Spina and Eduardo X. Miqueles}, title = {Annotat3D: A Modern Web Application for Interactive Segmentation of Volumetric Images at Sirius/LNLS}, journal = {Synchrotron Radiation News}, volume = {35}, number = {4}, pages = {36-43}, year = {2022}, publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, doi = {10.1080/08940886.2022.2112501}, } }
@InProceedings{SC:2020, author = {Daniela Ushizima and Matthew McCormick and Dilworth Parkinson}, title = {Accelerating Microstructural Analytics with Dask for Volumetric X-ray Images}, booktitle = {2020 IEEE/ACM Wrkshp on Python for High-Performance and Scientific Computing (PyHPC) at Super Computing}, month = {Nov}, year = {2020}, pages = {41-48}, }