
Introduction to Computer Vision

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Introduction to Computer vision

This is a short introduction to Computer Vision, containing examples on image filtering, 2D and 3D representations, as well as pixel classification and visualization schemes. These are used for the construction of pipelines and workflows using several scientific python libraries, such as scikit-learn, scikit-image, and itkwidgets.

Title: Computer Vision for Imaging Science [pdf]

  • Presenter: Daniela Ushizima
  • Date: 2022
  • Time: 24hrs
  • Tutorials with Jupyter notebooks:

    1. Refresh some concepts in case you need: [link] by Software carpentry

    2. Learn how to read images e create your own filters: [link] by Data carpentry

    3. Discover how to use computer vision to measure plant roots: [link]

    4. Explore skimage with this ISBI'19 tutorial [long tutorial] by Siqueira, van der Walt, Ushizima

    5. Enjoy visualization with itkwidgets: [short tutorial] SuperComputing 2020 by Ushizima, McCormick

    6. Microct analysis [full course] CAMERA Tomography Workshop 2019 by Ushizima, Siqueira, Miramontes

      • Lesson 1: Colab
      • Lesson 2: Colab
    7. Deep dive on skimage [tutorial] by Gouillart

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