
Flarebar is an android library, used to add modern navigation bar in your android application.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

android-navigation-bar: Flarebar

Flarebar is fully customizable navigation bar, followed modern material design guidelines. it is newly designed bottom bar (can also use as top navigation bar).

Demo with different designs







Tab Badges

screenshot_20190625-180617After Select Webp net-resizeimage


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Then add the dependency:

dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.vaibhav1929:android-navigation-bar:1.0'


STEP 1: Add following code in XML file:


You can set gravity to BOTTOM or TOP as per your requirement.

STEP 2: Add following code to your java file:

Create object of FlareTab class for each tab. create arraylist of your all flaretab objects. and call setTabList(ArrayList) method of Flarebar object.

   final FlareBar bottomBar = findViewById(R.id.bottomBar);
        ArrayList<Flaretab> tabs = new ArrayList<>();
        tabs.add(new Flaretab(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.inboxb),"Inbox","#FFECB3"));
        tabs.add(new Flaretab(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.searchb),"Search","#80DEEA"));
        tabs.add(new Flaretab(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.phoneb),"Call Log","#B39DDB"));
        tabs.add(new Flaretab(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.avatarb),"Profile","#EF9A9A"));
        tabs.add(new Flaretab(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.settingsb),"Settings","#B2DFDB"));


STEP 3: Attach Listener to get notified when tab is changed:

 bottomBar.setTabChangedListener(new TabEventObject.TabChangedListener() {
            public void onTabChanged(LinearLayout selectedTab, int selectedIndex, int oldIndex) {
                //tabIndex starts from 0 (zero). Example : 4 tabs = last Index - 3
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"Tab "+ selectedIndex+" Selected.",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Available constructor of FlareTab Object.

public Flaretab(Drawable tabImage, String tabText, String tabColorString);

This constructor accepts three arguments:

(1)TabImage: represents drawable file to be displayed as icon of tab.

(2)tabText : represents string value shown as text on tab.

(3)tabColorString : represents color HEX code string, this color is displayed when tab is selected.

To set the badge on the tab use following constructor:

public Flaretab(Drawable tabImage, String tabText, String tabColorString,String badge);

Send badge string as last argument.

Other available methods of FlareTab object are:

Drawable getTabImage()
void setTabImage(Drawable tabImage)
String getTabText()
void setTabText(String tabText)
String getTabColorString()
void setTabColorString(String tabColorString)
String getBadge()
void setBadge(String badge)
boolean isBadgeGiven()

available methods of Flarebar object are:

setTabList(ArrayList<Flaretab> tabs)
ArrayList<Flaretab> getTabList()
setSelectedIndex(int selectedIndex) // to set the inital selected tab. using tabIndex.
attachTabs(Context ctx)
removeBadge(int tabIndex) // Used to remove the badge from tab. send tabIndex as argument.
void selectTab(int index) // Used to select tab of specified index programmatically.
void setTabChangedListener(TabEventObject.TabChangedListener tabChangedListener) // To attach listener
void setBarBackgroundColor(int color)
int getBarBackgroundColor()
void hideBar()
void showBar()
boolean isBarVisible()

Note: for more details, checkout the sample project. This is initial release of Flarebar, future updates will make it more efficient.and also feel free to contribute.