
Magento 2 Blackfire GraphQl profile helper

Primary LanguagePHPOpen Software License 3.0OSL-3.0

Magento 2 module for GraphQl Blackfire Profiler


A helper module to profile GraphQl requests in magento2. Not intended for production usage. Production use blackfire player.

Blackfire Header

To profile we need to add additional header to our request. The header should start with X- eg. X-Blackfire.

Installation and Setup

  • Signup for blackfire if you haven't done already.
  • Install blackfire in the environment by following the official guide
  • Install this extension using composer require dani97/blackfire-graph-ql
  • Add Blackfire client configuration and blackfire header in Admin -> Configuration -> Blackfire GraphQl
  • From graphql client add blackfire header to profile request.

Supported versions:

  • Magento 2.3
  • Magento 2.4

See composer.json for other requirements.

See also