
Create your own private registry and access is via UI


Create your own private registry and access is via UI

Step 1

Install Docker and Docker Compose

You can use this link if your sever is ubntu 20.04 as mine is:

Step 2

Create "registry:2 container

mkdir docker_registry
cd docker_registry

Create and edit "docker-compose.yml" file

nano docker-compose.yml

Please change the username and password before run the containers.
cat << EOF > docker-compose.yml version: '3' services: docker-registry: image: registry:2 volumes: - "/tmp/docker_registry:/var/lib/registry" ports: - "5000:5000" restart: always docker-registry-ui: image: parabuzzle/craneoperator:latest ports: - "8086:80" environment: - REGISTRY_HOST=docker-registry - REGISTRY_PORT=5000 - REGISTRY_PROTOCOL=http - SSL_VERIFY=false - USERNAME=admin - PASSWORD=mypassword restart: always depends_on: - docker-registry EOF

Build and run the containers using below command:
docker-compose up -d

Step 3

Test registry

Pull an image you wan to push: (do this step on your registry server)
docker pull ubuntu:latest
docker tag ubuntu:latest
docker push

Step 4

Test registry from remote server (gitlab runner in my case)

docker login public-or-private-IP-of-Registry-Server:5000

Enter the "username" and "Password" you provided in Step 2.

docker pull

Also you can set this configuration at "Gitlab CICD" yml file.

P.S: If you face the error "http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client Error" when youwant to execute "Docker login" command plese do this on remote:
vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --insecure-registry public-or-private-IP-of-Registry-Server:5000
systemctl daemon-reload
service docker restart

You can login the registry UI using http://public-or-private-IP-of-Registry-Server:8086/