
Docker containerized version of the rclone utility for Linux

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Rclone Logo

This is an Unofficial Docker container for rclone based on freely available Linux (x64) binaries at http://rclone.org/downloads/ and forked from tynor88's original project @ https://github.com/tynor88/docker-rclone


[Docker Version][hub] [Docker Layers][hub] [Docker Build][hub] Docker Build Status [hub]: https://hub.docker.com/r/madcatsu/docker-rclone-cron/

rclone for Docker - rclone provides a set of commands similar to rsync for working with Public or Private Cloud Storage providers that leverage the S3 or Swift REST API.

Cloud Services

  • Google Drive
  • Amazon S3
  • Openstack Swift / Rackspace cloud files / Memset Memstore
  • Dropbox
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Amazon Drive
  • Microsoft One Drive
  • Hubic
  • Backblaze B2
  • Yandex Disk
  • The local filesystem


  • MD5/SHA1 hashes checked at all times for file integrity
  • Timestamps preserved on files
  • Partial syncs supported on a whole file basis
  • Copy mode to just copy new/changed files
  • Sync (one way) mode to make a directory identical
  • Check mode to check for file hash equality
  • Can sync to and from network, eg two different cloud accounts
  • Optional encryption (Crypt)


First run

docker run -it --rm \
-e PUID=<host user ID> \
-e PGID=<host user group ID> \
-v </path/to/your/persistent/config/folder>:/config \
-v </path/to/your/data/folder/>:/data \
madcatsu/docker-rclone-cron \
rclone --config=/config/.rclone.conf config

Custom rclone job

You will need to specify the full rclone command in the format 'rclone source destination' if you elect to use this environment variable

Be mindful that the container will not terminate when your custom command completes as the s6-overlay acts as a supervisor for the cron daemon, which will keep running your custom rclone command with the default hourly schedule

docker run --name=<container name> \
-e PUID=<host user ID> \
-e PGID=<host user group ID> \
-e RCLONE_COMMAND=<your custom rclone command>
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-v </path/to/your/persistent/config/folder>:/config \
-v </path/to/your/data/folder/>:/data \

Regular Container scheduling

docker run -d --name=<container name> \
-e PUID="<host user ID>" \
-e PGID="<host user group ID>" \
-e RCLONE_MODE="<sync, copy, etc>" \
-e CRON_SCHEDULE="0/30 * * * *" \ ** OPTIONAL **
-e RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS=""<password>" \ ** OPTIONAL **
-e RCLONE_SOURCE="<rclone source>" \
-e RCLONE_DESTINATION="<rclone destination>" \
-e RCLONE_BANDWIDTH="<bandwidth value>" \
-e JOB_SUCCESS_URL="<healthcheck API endpoint>" ** OPTIONAL **
-e JOB_NOTIFY_URL="<notification API endpoint>" ** OPTIONAL **
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-v </path/to/your/persistent/config/folder>:/config \
-v </path/to/your/data/folder/>:/data \

User / Group / Environment Variables

  • -e PUID & -e PGID - The container leverages s6-overlay supervisor and init system which allows users to specify a user and group from the Docker host machine to run the in-container processes and access any bind mounts on the host without messing up permissions which can easily occur when processes in a container run as "root".

The container avoids this issue by allowing users to specify an existing Docker host user account and group with the PUID and PGID environment variables. To lookup the User and Group ID of the Docker host user account, enter the following command in the CLI on the Docker host as below:

    $ id <username>
    uid=1000(username) gid=1000(usergroup) groups=1000(usergroup),27(sudo) ... etc
  • -e RCLONE_MODE - Available modes are normally copy or sync. This parameter is mandatory unless you specify the RCLONE_COMMAND environment variable See more available sub-commands at http://rclone.org/docs/
  • -e RCLONE_COMMAND A custom rclone command which will override the default job
  • -e CRON_SCHEDULE A custom cron schedule which will override the default value of: 0 * * * * (hourly)
  • -e RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS If the .rclone.conf configuration file is encrypted, specify the password here
  • -e RCLONE_BANDWIDTH Bandwidth to be allocated to the rclone data mover. Specify as a number followed by an extension in bytes, kilobytes or megabytes (per second). Eg. 1G = 1GB/sec, 50M = 50MB/sec, 512K = 512KB/sec, etc. If this value is not set, rclone will utilise whatever bandwidth is available
  • -e RCLONE_SOURCE The source for data that should be backed up. Must match either /data for data being pushed to a remote location, or the name of the remote specified in .rclone.conf if data is being pulled from the remote specified in .rclone.conf This parameter is mandatory unless you specify the RCLONE_COMMAND environment variable
  • -e RCLONE_DESTINATION The destination that the data should be backed up to. Must match either /data for data being pulled from a remote location, or the name of the remote specified in .rclone.conf This parameter is mandatory unless you specify the RCLONE_COMMAND environment variable
  • -e JOB_SUCCESS_URL At the end of each rclone cron job, report to a healthcheck API endpoint at a defined web URI (eg. WDT.io or Healthchecks.io)


As rclone allows data to be uploaded to a pre-defined remote, or downloaded from the same, the RCLONE_SOURCE and RCLONE_DESTINATION environment variables can be used interchangeably. In either form, one of these variables must be specified as "/data" as this path is bind mounted to the Docker container with access to the host file system. To demonstrate, both a push and pull scenario are further outlined:

  • Uploading local data to remote cloud storage: In this form, RCLONE_SOURCE should be passed to the container with the value of "/data" (without the literal quotes). The RCLONE_DESTINATION variable should take the form of ":/". Eg. RCLONE_DESTINATION="Amazon-Cloud-Drive:/Backups"
  • Downloading data from remote cloud storage: In this form, RCLONE_SOURCE and RCLONE_DESTINATION variables in the previous example should be swapped. Thus, RCLONE_SOURCE="Amazon-Cloud-Drive:/Backups".

Bind mounts

  • -v </path/to/your/persistent/config/folder>:/config The path where the .rclone.conf file is stored
  • -v </path/to/your/data/folder/>:/data The path which rclone should use for backup or restore operations
  • -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro Will capture the local host system time for log output. If you prefer UTC output, you can skip this bind mount


  • Shell access whilst the container is running: docker exec -it <container name / ID> /bin/bash
  • To monitor the logs of the container in realtime: docker logs -f <container name / ID>
  • When running a custom rclone job via the RCLONE_COMMAND environment variable, using --verbose --log-file=/var/log/rclone-cron-job.log will provide a way to view job output with the above "docker logs" command

Known Issues

  • rclone mount is not available and will fail / crash rclone if used within the container as the Fuse binaries/libraries are not included in the container image. FUSE is known to have issues with bind mounted paths inside a container and requires access to kernel on the host


  • 2017/02/11:
    • Initial release and push to Docker Hub
  • 2017/02/19:
    • Tweaks to README file and first run logic
    • Added options for bandwidth throttling
  • 2017/02/20:
    • Added verbose logging by default to rclone cron job
    • Changed environment vars to allow both upload and download jobs