
Project developed with vanilla tecnologies such as JS, CSS and HTML for web development study

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Plan Of Action

NOTE You must get a Google Maps API Key in order to use this project. Link: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/maps

  • Import Google Maps into the Window -> DONE

  • Add the header Store Locator -> DONE

  • Add markers of stores to the map -> DONE

  • Add info window with name of store to each marker -> DONE

  • Add input box -> DONE

  • Add store list container -> DONE

  • Add individual store container -> DONE

  • Show all the stores in the stores list using store-data.js -> DONE

  • Open the info window of the marker on store selection in stores list -> DONE

  • Allow a user to search for stores in a zip code -> DONE