State : Working. Unstable.
Implementation of a directed Graph for establishing connections between objects.
For instance, a connection may represent:
- follower/following relationship between two users on a social network
- an user "following" a "tag"
- in fact, any relation between any root objects which need to be connected for any reason ;-)
The purpose of this bundle is not to get a ready-to-use implementation but at the minimum a code base to ease the integration of such a system in a Symfony 2 application.
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class HomeController extends Controller {
public function indexAction()
$connectionManager = $this->get("kitano_connection.manager.connection");
$userA = $userRepository->find(1);
$userB = $bookRepository->find(42);
// User A wants to "follow" User B activity
// User A clics "follow" button on User B profile page
$connectionManager->connect($userA, $userB, 'follow');
public function newPostAction()
$connectionManager = $this->get("kitano_connection.manager.connection");
$userA = $userRepository->find(1);
// User B does something like creating a new Post
// We notify all users connected to B
$connections = $connectionManager->getConnectionsFrom($userB, array('type' => 'follow'));
foreach($connections as $connection) {
// Notify !
a) Short functional example
A simple configuration could be something like that
type: doctrine_orm
Using this configuration, you can use KitanoConnectionBundle as the Use Case example.
After configuration, don't forget to update your RDBMS schema
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update
b) Custom connection
If you want a custom connection entity.
type: doctrine_orm
managed_class: "Acme\Entity\Connection"
In this case, don't forget to define an entity schema for Acme\Entity\Connection
c) Custom connection with a custom persistance layer
If you want to use a custom repository, use the above configuration.
type: custom
managed_class: "Acme\Entity\Connection"
Define a service named : kitano_connection.repository.connection which implement Kitano\ConnectionBundle\Repository\ConnectionRepositoryInterface
Events are availble if you want to hook the system.
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Event;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Kitano\ConnectionBundle\Event\ConnectionEvent;
class ConnectionSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
ConnectionEvent::CONNECTED => array('onConnected', 0),
ConnectionEvent::DISCONNECTED => array('onDisconnected', 0),
public function onConnected(ConnectionEvent $event)
$connection = $event->getConnection();
// ...
public function onDisconnected(ConnectionEvent $event)
$connection = $event->getConnection();
// ...
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<parameter key="acme.demo.connection_subscriber.class">Acme\DemoBundle\Event\ConnectionSubscriber</parameter>
<!-- listener -->
<service id="acme.demo.connection_subscriber" class="%acme.demo.connection_subscriber.class%" public="false">
<tag name="kernel.event_subscriber" />
- This bundle can deal with only one persistance layer. It means that you can't Connect a Document object with an Entity object.
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle:
Require PHPUnit, phpunit/DbUnit
$ php composer.phar update --dev
$ phpunit