Undefined Standard Edition comes pre-configured with the following bundles:
- Bundles from Symfony Standard distribution
- SonataAdminBundle - The missing Symfony2 Admin Generator
- SonataMediaBundle
- SonataUserBundle
- SonataEasyExtendsBundle
- SonataIntlBundle
- SonataNewsBundle
- SonatajQueryBundle
- FOSUserBundle
- LadyBugBundle
- UndfAngularJsBundle
- Execute "cp app/config/parameters.yml.sample app/config/parameters.yml" from the console
- Configure your DB connection by editing database parameters in app/config/parameters.yml
- Install your vendors by running "composer"
- Execute "php load_data.php" from the console
- Visit /app_dev.php/admin/login
- Username: admin Password: admin
- Visit /app_dev.php/login
- Username: <Get a username form the list "Users" in the admin dashboard> Password: password
Automatic Unit Testing with watchr
gem install watchr cd /path/to/symfony-project watchr phpunit.watchr