
FTP network server is source of events for Apache-flume

Primary LanguageJava


A network server on port 21 (FTP) will be source of events for Apache-flume. Files in main directory's server will be discovered and proccessed. The source is implemented as pollable source in terms of Flume, as the polling time is configurable in the main configuration of flume's file. In main flume's agent configuration file must be specified if security for FTP is required. There are two kind of protocol security supported by the plugin:

  • FTP: File Transfer Protocol, normal plain text (insecure) but available for common use. Port 21.
  • FTPS: File Transfer Protocol that uses AUTH SSL o TLS cryptographic protocols. Port 21.
  • SFTP: File Transfer Protocol that uses SSH V3, via a single channel (layer transport) and sending/receiving in binary. Port 22.(Recommended).

Files can be proccesed int two ways:

  • by lines, as one event is a full line.(flushlines = true)
  • by chunk of bytes, exactly 1 KB is the size of one event by default. (flushlines = false)

Proccesed files's name and size will be tracked into a Map, this one will be "saved" into an external file (file.name), located in parameter .folder of the config.

Additions from keedio/flume-ftp-source

  • renamed.suffix - If configured, this suffix will be removed before processing a file. This is useful when you have to deal with files which may be renamed by an external task. Basically, foo.bar and foo.bar.suffix would be considered the same file.
  • control_deleted_files - If set to false, then deleted files will not be deleted from the local track object. It's useful to do not re-download files is a directory listing fails. By default it's true.
  • working.restricted - By default is false, if set to true files outside the working.directory will not be processed.


  • Apache-flume mayor to 1.4.0.
  • commons-net-3.3.jar (ftpClient and ftpsClient)
  • jsch-0.1.52.jar (channelSftp)

Mandatory Parameters for flume

###### Example configuration for FTP source

  agent.sources.ftp1.type = org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source
  agent.sources.ftp1.client.source = ftp
  agent.sources.ftp1.name.server =
  agent.sources.ftp1.user = username
  agent.sources.ftp1.password = password
  agent.sources.ftp1.port = 21

###### Example configuration for FTPS source

  agent.sources.ftps1.type = org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source
  agent.sources.ftps1.client.source = ftps
  agent.sources.ftps1.name.server =
  agent.sources.ftps1.user = username
  agent.sources.ftps1.password = password
  agent.sources.ftps1.port = 21
  agent.sources.ftps1.security.enabled = true 
  agent.sources.ftps1.security.cipher = TLS
  agent.sources.ftps1.security.certificate.enabled = (false | true)  (if false the plugin will accept any 
  certificate sent by the server, validated or not).
  agent.sources.ftps1.path.keystore = /paht/to/keystore
  agent.sources.ftps1.store.pass = the_keyStore_password 

###### Example configuration for SFTP source

  agent.sources.sftp1.type = org.keedio.flume.source.ftp.source.Source
  agent.sources.sftp1.client.source = sftp
  agent.sources.sftp1.name.server =
  agent.sources.sftp1.user = username
  agent.sources.sftp1.password = password
  agent.sources.sftp1.port = 22
  agent.sources.sftp1.knownHosts = /home/<user launching flume>/.ssh/known_hosts

Optional Parameters for flume

Discover delay, each configured milisecond directory will be explored.

If this parameter is omitted, default value will be set to 10000 ms.

agent.sources.<fpt1 | ftps1 | sftp1>.run.discover.delay=5000
Force flume-ftp to proccess lines instead of chunk of bytes.If omitted: true.
agent.sources.<fpt1 | ftps1 | sftp1>.flushlines = (true | false)      
Force the size of events in bytes. I omitted, default is 1KB.

Customizing this option is intended for particular cases.

agent.sources.ftp1.chunk.size = 1024
File's name that keeps track of files and sizes processed.

If omitted, a default one will be created.

 agent.sources.ftp1.file.name = status-ftp1-file.ser
Directory where to keep the file track status. If omitted, java.io.tmpdir will be used.
 agent.sources.ftp1.folder = /var/flume
For examples configs files, check:


Version history

  • 2.0.8 fix on readme file.
  • 2.0.5 fixes minor bugs of 2.0.4.
  • 2.0.4 new package name convention, check for above examples.
  • 2.0.1 new configurable parameters in flume's context.
  • 2.0.0: sources integration.
  • 1.1.5: flush lines from SFTPSource.
  • 1.1.4-rev4: added support to proccess lines instead of chunk of bytes, (standard tailing).
  • 1.1.4-rev1, 1.1.4-rev2, 1.1.4-rev3: solved problem with SSL connections on servers behind fire-walls.


Apache License, Version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0



-- Luis Lázaro lalazaro@keedio.com www.keedio.com