
This repository contained Object Oriented Programming I lab material for Semester 2, 2021-2022 at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine

Primary LanguageJava


This repository contains lab material for Object Oriented Programming I at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. Note that this repository created for code sharing convenience, and all solutions may be redacted at the end of the academic year in 2022.

Week 1 (January 17th and 21st)

Introduction to the Java object oriented language and the BlueJ editor.

Week 2 (January 24th and 28th)

Introduction to object oriented constructor, accessor and mutator methods.

Week 3 (January 31st and February 4th)

Introduction to class and instance variables, equals() method, method overloading, relationships: association, composition.

Week 4 (February 7th and 11th)

Introduction to class inheritance, method refinement and replacement.

Week 5 (February 14th and 18th)

Introduction to polymorphism, method binding and principle of substitutability.

Week 6 (February 21st and 25th)

No class (CW Exam 1).

Week 7 (March 4th)

Abstract classes and interfaces. Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) in Java.

Week 8 (March 7th)

More practice with GUIs in Java. No class on Friday due to MyeLearning outage.

Week 9 (March 14th and 18th)

Concrete collections in Java.

Week 10 (March 22nd and 25th)

More practice with GUIs, domain classes and concrete collections in Java.