
Fork of https://gitlab.com/jpallares/myclippings-to-markdown

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MyClippings to Markdown

Node app to parses the kindle file that stores all the highlights you do in the books you read (My Clippings.txt) and creates a Markdown file per book grouping the quotes. It is intended to be used with Jekyll. It links to the book cover image too. Example of the output

The quotes are ordered by date descending. The books have the date of the most recent quote assigned.

How to use it

  1. Install Node I you haven't
  2. Clone and move to folder
  3. npm i
  4. node app "some\path\My Clippings.txt" "output\path"

It works also with only the first argument using output as default output folder. It works also with no parameters but expects to find the My Clippings.txt in the project folder.

Jekyll site usage

  1. Create a _books folder in your jekyll repo and move there all the generated md files.
  2. Add the collection to your _config.yml:
  - _books


    output: true
    permalink: /:collection/:path/


  # _books
  - scope:
      path: ""
      type: books
      layout: single
      author_profile: true
      share: true
      comments: true
  1. Add a navigation link in the top bar editing navigation.yml inside _data folder:
- title: cv
  url: /cv/
- title: books
  url: /books/
  1. Finally create a page that will have the links to all the books. I created books.md and put it inside _pages folder:
title: Books
layout: collection
permalink: /books/
collection: books
entries_layout: grid
classes: wide
sort_order: reverse

I want just the JSON

In case you want another type of output, there is a middle step (parse) were a simple array of objects (books) is created with the following structure:

      title: 'Scrum And Xp From The Trenches',
      date: '2015-02-21',
      author: 'Henrik Kniberg',
      quotes: [
            date: '2015-02-21',
            quote: 'Pair programming does improve code quality....'
            date: '2015-02-19',
            quote: 'anotherquote....'
      title: 'Another book title',
      date: '2014-04-21',
      author: 'Fancy Name',
      quotes: [
            date: '2017-02-21',
            quote: 'interensting quote....'
            date: '2019-02-19',
            quote: 'even more interesting quote....'