
🇬🇧 A constructed language 🐙 (ọɵọ)/(ọǫ̂ô)(ọộø̂)(ọộɵ̂)(ọɵ̂ô)(ọɵ̂ǫ̂)(ọɵ̂o)(ọɵ̂ộ)(ọǫ̂ô)(ọɵ̂ǫ̂)(ọǫ̂ộ)(ọǫ̂ǫ̂)/(ọộǫ̂)(ọǫ̂ọ)(ọộɵ̂)(ọǫ̂ø̂)(ọɵ̂ộ)(ọǫ̂ọ)(ọǫ̂ø̂)(ọǫ̂ộ)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🐙 Octalang 📜

Octalang is a constructed language which adopts every other language. It does this by converting a source text's characters' values (á la Unicode) into octal numerals, where each digit corresponds to a letter in Octalang. Thus, Octalang inherits the source language's grammar and lexicon. Therefore, every language is considered as a dialect of Octalang.

Wihtout further ado, here is "Hello World" in Octalang:


The full specification is given in paper.pdf.


Translating to Octalang:

python3 scripts/txt2octl.py <text>

Translating from Octalang:

python3 scripts/octl2txt.py <text>

PSA: Make sure that you have enabled a font that can properly display the characters (e.g. Consolas).

There are also two scripts for simple echoing:

  • octl2octl.py: takes Octalang text, translates to natural text, and back to Octalang text
  • txt2txt.py: takes natural text, translates to Octalang text, and back to natural text


paper.pdf is generated from paper.tex using Overleaf and the XeLaTeX compiler.